Chapter 64

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This was crazy. Here I was speeding down the road to a town I'd never even heard of because some freaky woman told me to. She didn't even mention Brandon by name, and why the hell would he be getting on a ship even if he was there?

"Up there," Axel shouted as Nate cut a sharp corner, slamming the car into a parking area. "We have to make a run for it. The boardwalk is pedestrian only and according to harbor records two ships are heading out in less than an hour." We tumbled out of the small car and began making our way to the piers.

Large fishing boats bobbed up and down in the harbor and there were people everywhere. I hadn't realized Silas had left us until he came back talking loudly, "We need to find these two docks," he pointed to the map. "Number three leaves in less than an hour heading toward the Arctic for deep sea fishing. Number nine leaves just after, but I couldn't get a firm heading for them. Both have merchant crews so no formal names of record, just guys who sign on for a quick payday and then often jump at the next harbor. If this is what Brandon has been doing, then it makes sense that you couldn't locate him. He's possibly been all over the world by now."

"Corey, which dock do you want to take?" Axel asked.

I felt frozen..what if I chose the wrong one? I felt Raven's hand on my shoulder as he spoke softly. "Listen to your soul, Corey. I'll come with you and the others can go to the dock you don't pick. It isn't all or nothing, love."

I felt my eyes dampen at his words and croaked, "Three...Raven and I will take dock three."

"Okay, if he's here, we will find him, Corey," Nate said, then headed to the farthest dock with Axel and Silas.

Raven and I began moving to the third dock. The closer we got, it was like an itch in my chest and I soon found myself running with Raven keeping pace. Sailors were loading supplies onto the towering boat as we arrived. "Excuse me," I asked one of them, "Do you know anyone named Brandon? He might be new for this trip."

The guy looked us up and down then jerked his head toward the end of the dock. "Newbies would be working the bow. Got a feller that looks like you hired on yesterday, don't know his name."

My chest tightened. "Thank you," I said as we ran toward the front of the ship. It was so crowded that I finally started yelling his name in desperation. Raven added his calls to mine.

"Aye! Who the hell's yelling," Brandon's gruff voice responded. He stepped around a large stack of cages and made a choking sound. "C..Corey? How did you get here?" I closed the distance between us and quickly pulled him to me. I couldn't even talk, I was so overcome with emotion. I just gripped him tighter as he finally returned the hug. "I'm sorry, Cor," he finally said.

I shook my head, "It doesn't matter anymore. You're safe. That's all I care about."

"Oh, thank gods you found him," Axel panted as they came running up.

Brandon looked between all of them. "Holy shit, where did you all come from?"

Ax laughed, "Long story man, but if you want to take a car ride, we would love to fill you in."

Brandon frowned, "Guys, I'm leaving in like fifteen minutes. We'll be out for at least three months, maybe more if weather turns on us."

"No," I said firmly.

Brandon scoffed, "Corey, you don't get to make that decision. I know the way I vanished was wrong, but there's a lot you don't know. I need this job. I have responsibilities now, I can't just walk away."

"What about your responsibility to me, Brandon?" I yelled. "Five years. Five fucking years I've searched thinking my brother was hurt or dead because why else would he abandon me. Why else would he just vanish and leave me all alone?"

His eyes softened, "Corey, you weren't alone. You had Raven. You didn't need my drama, my troubles ruining your life."

"No, I didn't. I was alone Brandon. You left all left me!" I was panting with rage as I stood there baring my soul.

The boat's horn bellowed as men began loading up. Brandon kept looking at the ship, then back at me when Silas spoke up. "Don't get on that ship, Brandon. Whoever you are responsible for will be abandoned if you do. If you leave on that ship, you'll never see land again."

"What the fuck?" Brandon shouted, recoiling from Silas. "Have you lost your fucking mind? Why would you say such a thing?" I saw sweat forming on Brandon's brow.

"Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you haven't been plagued by nightmares of waves plunging the ship to icy depths while you fight for air. Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong and I'll walk away," Silas said firmly.

Brandon's face paled, "You can't know the fuck do you know that?"

"The Banshee herself called for you, Brandon," Silas told him.

The woman's words suddenly came flooding back. "Killybegs harbor...don't let him get on the boat, Corey. Don't let him die," I muttered then looked up at Brandon who made a strangled noise. "That's what a complete stranger said to me, Brandon. She sent me here to save you, dammit, and if I have to knock your fucking ass out to do it, I swear I will. Now get your fucking ass off this dock!"

Author's Notes:  Corey is pissed!  

So someone asked in the comments how many chapters this story response...I have no idea.  I just keep writing as long as the story keeps coming.  I have no clue how this is going to end actually.    Please comment, vote, follow, and share!

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