Chapter 90

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I lay in the bed next to her watching her eyes move rapidly, her body twitching occasionally. The moment that Kelpie had brought her to us, I felt sick when I moved more than a few feet away from her. My body would become clammy, my stomach twisting in knots. I only felt 'normal' when right next to her. She mumbled softly, but I couldn't make out all of the words, not to mention my Irish wasn't that great. I think one word was shadow, the other one I knew was my love. I wonder if she was talking about one of us or the kids?

The door opened slightly as Victor poked his head in. "Any change?" He came to the edge of the bed behind her, looking lost.

I shook my head, "A few words mumbled, but she hasn't woken up. The way her eyes are moving and heart racing, I assume she's dreaming."

"What about you? Still feeling off when you aren't next to her?" He took my hand in his.

Sighing, I squeezed his hand, my eyes clenching shut, then opened them wide as a deep growl rose in my throat. Victor pulled back in shock and moving faster than I ever had in my life, I quickly placed myself between both of them and the door as it flew open. Much to my surprise, Sang and a man who I assumed was her husband entered the room. He had a snarl on his face and was storming straight for us as Sang tried to stop him.

The room erupted in chaos as Raven, North, and Silas tried to stop the man. Nate had shifted and was barking loudly as Corey's light surged. My skin felt like it was on fire the closer he got until suddenly, Avery's voice shook the room. "STOP!" We all spun to see her sitting up in the bed, her magic swirling around her as it had the night she stopped Mab. "Sang, get your dragon under control, whilst I see to mine," she said simply then turned her gaze to me. "Come, m'anamchara." I blinked in confusion until her hand touched my face - then I felt complete.

Her lips touched mine and everything vanished. All I knew was her touch, her very essence. It was like a hunger had overcome me and I couldn't stop kissing her, touching her. I only paused for a moment when I felt a rush of cold air. Opening my eyes, I realized we were in a dark forest of some kind and completely alone. Running my hands over her face, neck, and shoulders, I growled, "Mine," and then crashed my lips against hers once again. I lifted her, her legs wrapping around my waist then pushed her back against a tree as I pulled her clothes off - okay, I actually ripped them off.

Part of my mind questioned this newfound strength and need to feel her skin against mine, but my need overpowered my reason. Soon my own clothing was gone and in a single motion, I slammed up inside of her as she cried out my name. Her fingernails dug into my shoulders when I began to suckle and bite at her breasts. My tongue dragged along her neck and my mouth watered. A deep vibration filled my chest and I groaned as my jaws ached. It felt like my mouth was being ripped apart, but I couldn't stop, couldn't even ask what was happening before I sang my teeth that seemed to have grown into her neck, biting down hard. Avery screamed, her body stiffening, and then she was whimpering and pistoning her hips quickly as I felt her core tighten around me.

Cum for me, my beautiful wife, I moaned in our minds. "Luke!" she screamed as her orgasm ripped through her body. Releasing her neck and swiping my tongue over the droplets of blood, I met her eyes and grinned.

"My mate," I growled, then slammed into her hard, filling her insides with my own release. I gently laid her on the ground and kissed her lips, then her forehead. "I love you."

Her eyes were glazed as she smiled softly. "I love you, too." She cupped my face and quietly spoke, "You're going to shift now, Luke. I'd tell you it won't hurt, but that would be a lie. Just know I'm here with you." I started to ask what she meant, but a searing pain ripped through my body and I fell over on the ground, screaming as my bones broke and my skin ripped.

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