Chapter 34

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Owen cleared his throat, "Nate, Gabe, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special to us. This is Ms. Avery Dorman."

We both turned around and I choked, "Chaton?"

Her eyes widened as she made a small gasping sound, "Gabriel?"

"Wait, you two know each other?" Luke asked as she stood and came closer to her.

She nodded as I did, then Victor's voice filled my ears, "Holy was you. You were in Ireland that weekend...and she...and you." I looked around as they all seemed to share some inside knowledge as her cheeks flushed red.

My eyes met Victor's. I could see the shadow of pain that filled them, and I'm sure mine reflected it as well. "How do you know about that?" I asked.

North snorted, "Well, ironically, that's your fault. We all started playing a game of never have I ever on New Year's Eve in your honor and she may have divulged your weekend of fun."

Her cheeks were flaming red now as she tried to bury her face in Luke's chest. He chuckled and lifted her chin, "Seems you really are finding all of us, aren't you, beautiful girl?"

"I...I didn't know," she stammered, "He said he was looking for a friend. I didn't even know his last name. You all always called him Gabe, but I only knew Gabriel. Stars..."

Silas pushed Kota's shoulder, "This might even beat your story, Kota."

He groaned and facepalmed, laughing, "You had to remind me."

Nate was looking back and forth at all of them, "Wait, are you all...really?"

I noticed her bristle at his comment, fear filling her eyes, but Victor quickly answered. "Yes, we are, and damn proud of it." Owen and Luke both slid their arms around her protectively.

I held my hand out, "May we join your table, Chaton, or would you prefer we leave?"

She shook her head, "No, stay. I mean, you're the reason we are here. Owen got us tickets to the showing and well we all hoped to meet up with you, I just didn't, well, you already know." Her rambling was adorable.

I kissed the back of the hand she had placed in my hand and smiled, "As you wish."

"Ahem," the creature grunted.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Isabelle," Nate said. Hmm...when did he stop calling her fiance?

She gave a sort of snort, "Don't you mean fiance, sweetheart?" She flopped her hand out, showing the gaudy ring she'd demanded he buy. Granted, it was large and expensive, but ugly as fuck. They all greeted her as we took our seats. I noticed she seated herself between Victor and Sean, but spoke to all of them, giving them each her attention.

We talked about what we'd done over the years, but Victor and I avoided each other's gaze. Finally, he rose and asked, "May I speak to you alone, Gabe?" I noticed the way Chaton looked at him and then squeezed his hand.

"Of course," I said and stood from the table, following him to an alcove away from the group. "Good to see you moved on so easily," I snapped, feeling guilty the moment the words left my mouth. I noticed him visibly shrink from my vitriol. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for," I admitted.

"No, it wasn't. I deserve your anger, Gabe, I know that, but I need to explain why I had to leave. If you never want to speak to me again, I'll understand, but you deserve the truth." He motioned for me to sit, then began recounting the blackmail his parents had presented to him, including very real court documents to put me in foster care and have Pam imprisoned for neglect due to her string of alcohol addiction and poor boyfriend choices. I was shaking with anger by the time he finished. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, and by the time I could, well, you were so successful. I didn't want to cause you any more hurt than I already had."

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