Chapter 58

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Kota has spoken to Trinity's board and secured an extended absence for Avery. In light of her doctoral already being published, and no true required credits, they had agreed to delay her defense presentation to the end of April. Luke had taken Erin to the Doyle's for an extended visit. They were happy to help considering Avery as practically their own daughter after all these years. Axel and Marc had started staying at Victor's. They both sent out feelers to any contact they could imagine hoping to find something.

"Owen!" Avery's cry came from her room.

I was skipping steps as I burst through her door. I could hear the others coming up behind me just as quickly. She held out her laptop, her hands shaking, "What does it mean?"

Sitting beside her I took the laptop and read it aloud.

"Heard you lost something precious so I sent an old friend to find them. Give them all hugs for me and tell Victor I know the truth and I never hated any of them. ~ GB"

My mouth gaped as I looked from Avery to the others. I saw Victor drop to his knees as Gabe and Luke comforted him. "Owen?" Avery asked.

I set the computer to the side and pulled her into my arms, tears starting to fall. "It means he's coming home, my hope. Sean's coming home to us." She began to sob as we clung to one another.

Author's Notes: Thoughts?

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