Chapter 29

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The house was quiet as I lay between Victor and Luke. North and Silas had taken Erin into town for the afternoon to give us some alone time. Owen, Sean, and Kota had already left. Our skin was damp with sweat from our lovemaking, but I didn't want to move. I wanted to soak in this moment for as long as I could. "What are you thinking, love?" Victor asked, brushing his fingers across my face.

"That I want this moment to last forever," I sighed. "I know it's less than two weeks until the showing, but I'm going to miss you so much."

Luke hummed and hugged me from behind, "We're going to miss you too. I mean, Victor really isn't a good little spoon." We all laughed at his joke. "But seriously, Av, I'm going to miss you like crazy."

"Are you sure you don't want us to drive you up this time?" Victor asked.

"No, that's too much on Erin. Besides, Kota will be there when I get back. He said he could give me a ride to the flat if I was tired."

They both smirked. "You do realize he's head over heels in love with you, right?" Luke asked.

"I mean, I know he likes me, but love...are you sure?" I gaped.

"Baby, he looks at you just like Luke did that day in the kitchen. We both saw it that first night. He was a goner before you ever agreed to the poly relationship," Victor chuckled. Woah, I mouthed, my jaw hanging open. Victor put his finger under it and leaned in, his lips brushing across mine. "I'm happy to occupy that mouth, baby." I gave a soft whine as his tongue darted across my bottom lip.

His mouth crashed against mine, cutting off the groan that escaped me as Luke thrust inside of my already sensitive core. When Victor pulled away, he grinned as he smoothed out the condom and began pushing into my core alongside Luke. I felt like I was going to burst as they began thrusting faster. Luke's mouth nipped at my neck as he gripped my hips and ass, while Victor kneaded and suckled my breasts. I was panting and making small noises as they pounded into me. My body began to spasm and clench around them as I cried out. I vaguely heard them both grunting as they came, but I felt like I was floating and whimpered when they pulled out. I heard Victor say something, and then warm arms wrapped around me.

"Stay with me, beautiful," North's deep voice vibrated in my ears. "I need you to drink this." He pressed a cup to my lips and I hesitantly sipped, but all I wanted to do was sleep. I felt so confused. "Just a little more and then you can sleep, Avery." I drank until he called me a good girl, and then I made a purring sound and snuggled up to him as I let myself fall asleep.


We had just come into the house when I heard Luke cussing. Silas took Erin to get a treat while I darted up the steps. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Sub drop, and it's a big one," Luke frantically answered. Avery looked very dazed and was trembling in Victor's arms.

"Hand her here," I said and pulled her against me, wrapping the blanket tightly. Luke handed me an electrolyte drink. "Stay with me, beautiful. I need you to drink this." I pressed the bottle to her lips as she sipped a little. She kept trying to fall asleep, but I needed to get her hydrated so she didn't go into shock in her sleep. "Just a little more and then you can sleep, Avery." She drank more and I praised her, "Good girl." I swear she made a purring sound as she snuggled against me and fell asleep.

I gave them a smirk, "We left so you could enjoy yourselves, not try and kill our girl guys."

Victor looked terrified. "I've never seen anyone drop that fast. One minute she was orgasming, the next I swear her eyes rolled back in her head and she was trembling."

"Yeah, well, I doubt she's ever had sex with two men at once, let alone the number of times we've made love today," Luke groaned.

"You the same time...and not like a normal DP?" I gaped. They both smirked, their cheeks flushing as they hid their faces. "Good grief," I groaned. "She's so damn tiny. No wonder her body freaked out. I swear I'm gonna have Sean lock you two in a room and lecture you on the risks."

"Hey it wasn't planned," Luke protested. "We just, well."

"Yeah, I get it, you just... Go get cleaned up and take care of Erin. I'll stay with her until she wakes up, then we'll come down."

They grumbled but finally left as I leaned back into the pillows with her in my lap. I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head thinking they were stupid, but at the same time, I have to admit I was a bit envious. All of us were in different places in our relationship with Avery. In our case, we had fooled around a bit, but never fully intimate. Hell, holding her like this was amazing in itself, let alone the idea of making love to her. Her nose scrunched up as she mumbled in her sleep, making me smile. I swear she was damned adorable.

I'm not sure how long she napped, but soon her eyes were fluttering open and she smiled up at me. "You make a great pillow."

I laughed, "Well, I'm going to take that as a compliment."

She playfully poked my stomach, "It's a very good compliment. You're very warm and snuggly. I could get used to this."

I ran my fingers through her hair, "I hope so because I'm not sure I can go back to just being friends." She looked up at me and grinned wider.

"You should come to Dublin for a weekend before you go back home. Maybe Silas could come for a weekend too..either the two of you together or alone, whatever you prefer. I just want some more time with each of you. These four weeks have gone too fast,' she grumbled like a little kid.

"I agree, it's gone too quickly, but you need to keep your head focused on school. I'm sure we can make it for a weekend or two before we go back." I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Let's get you dressed and fed. I think you need some rest tonight so you catch your train."

She whined as I chuckled, tugging her from the warm bed. I had to force myself to dress her when all I wanted to do was strip and lay next to her.  

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