Chapter 52

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"We're going and that's final," Kota said, "You can't avoid her forever, Nate. She'll understand if you just give her a chance."

"I fucking killed someone, Kota. How the hell can I ask her to understand that?"

He put his hand on my shoulder, "Nate, you were a soldier. I know for damn sure this wasn't the first time you took a life and so does she. You were defending yourself and Victor in a rescue effort to save her - how could she blame you for that?"

I sighed and gave in, knowing I wasn't going to be able to argue my way out of this. He was right - I had to face her eventually.

We arrived at the house just before six. It smelled amazing as usual. She was in the kitchen, wearing short shorts and a t-shirt, her hair in a high ponytail, dancing as she cooked, radio blaring. Kota turned down the volume a bit and she grumbled, "You threw off my groove."

I laughed, recognizing her cartoon reference and she spun around with a smile, then launched herself at me. "You're here! I worried you wouldn't come. I was starting to think you changed your mind about me, about us." She was talking faster and faster as tears began to well up in her eyes and I felt my heart break. Here I was worrying about myself, never considering how it would make her feel.

"No, Cariño, I'm not changing my mind. I just..." I couldn't say it.

She kissed my forehead, "I know, and you didn't do anything wrong. You kept Victor and you safe. You helped rescue me and those other women. Please, A mhuirnín, don't burden yourself with this. Don't you know how much I love you?" My arms wrapped tighter around her as I sobbed. Once again, here she was, being my strength.

Kota had been right. Spending the night with her, with them, was what I needed to remember how lucky I was. She sat in my lap, my fingers threading through her hair as we talked after dinner. "So what do you want to do after graduation?" I asked her.

She frowned. "I'm not sure anymore. When it was just me, I assumed I'd find a teaching position close to the village so I could keep my home. Now, I don't know. Everyone already has a life away from there except Victor and I..."

"No matter where we end up, we can keep the houses," Victor told her. "We can either live in them full time or use them as summer houses."

Gabe smirked, "He's right, Chaton. Our home is where you are. Besides, if you happened to forget, you landed nine rather wealthy men. We can have houses all over the fucking world if that's what you want."

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "I'll leave the finances to you lot. I've never had money to burn, but I've also had enough to live on so it doesn't mean much to me either way." She let out a yawn.

Kota stood, "Well, I think that's my cue to head home."

I felt her hand tighten around mine and met her gaze. "Stay please, both of you."

We exchanged grins and agreed. "Looks like you're the little spoon tonight, sweetie," Victor teased Gabe as they leaned over and kissed Avery goodnight. "Don't stay up too late, baby." She simply hummed in response as she returned their kisses. Once they had closed their bedroom door, I picked her up in my arms and the three of us headed to my room.

Kota closed the door as I placed Avery on the bed. "Arms up," I told her and lifted her top as she obeyed. Next, I had her lay back and removed her shorts and panties. She lay on the bed before us completely bare and looking like a goddess. Kota and I quickly lost our own clothing and climbed into the bed with her. "What's your safeword?"

"Red, sir," she breathed as our mouths and hands began exploring her body. Every whimper, every shiver sent need to my cock.

Kota placed her on her hands and knees, then ran his thumb over her lips. "Open up, little girl," he growled. She looked up at him with those big eyes and parted her lips as he pushed his cock forward. I watched as he slowly fucked her throat, groaning with his hands on her head, "That's it, little girl, take it all."

Tears were beginning to form just at the edges of her eyes as he pumped. She looked so beautiful. I ran the head of my cock against her slit, feeling the moisture that had already formed. "Such a good girl, already wet for us," I purred as I pushed inside of her. She whined around Kota's cock as I began to pump faster. My fingers dug into her hips, our bodies slapping together with force. I could see Kota's eyes fluttering and figured he was close. Avery's body was shaking as her walls milked my cock. When Kota called out her name, she greedily swallowed his cum.

He slid from her lips as I continued to fuck her. I gripped her hair and pulled her against my chest, impaling her on my cock as she bounced. "Don't ever scare us like that again, Cariño," I groaned as I gripped her throat. "I can't lose you." She gasped and whined as I tightened my hold, cutting off a little more of her airflow. "Cum for me," I hissed as I began to fill her insides with my cum. Avery struggled, whining and spasming around my cock as I held her firmly. I turned her head and captured her lips. We were both breathless when I released her.

"Fuck you two looked amazing," Kota breathed then chuckled, "How about we try out that shower I've heard such rave reviews about?"

Avery blushed and giggled as I laughed, "Oh, I think that sounds amazing."

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