Chapter 85

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"You realize Isabelle is going to give birth soon," I asked Nate as he held his son. Connor was the spitting image of his father, and he was fiercely protective of him and his sister. Mab had explained that his cú sídhe nature was one of the most feared in all of Faerie. The creatures were able to track almost anything - living or dead. He had resumed his human form a few hours after the twins' birth, and with the help of some other cú sídhe, he had now learned how to shift upon demand. Those who knew their powers had been actively practicing them. Silas and Brandon were frustrated that they just had to wait for their visions. Forcing them could lead to false predictions, Mab told them.

"It isn't my child, so why should I care now?" Nate almost growled.

"But neither she nor Chloe know we have discovered the truth. I'm concerned that if we stay away completely, they will come after Avery even more. Not to mention we have no idea where Olivia is and if she's even human. That could be a whole different danger that we know nothing about."

He frowned as he pondered my words and then hummed when Connor reached up to tug at his scruffy beard. "Fuck, you're right," he sighed. "So what are you suggesting? I don't think it's a good idea to bring the babies back yet. They're safer here."

"I agree. I think some of us should go back, maybe even in groups, but at different times to avoid suspicion. Kota needs to submit his paperwork for a leave of absence for next trimester anyway so that would make for a logical trip." I smiled as Avery came into the room with Victor and Aine. "Hello, my hope, how are you feeling?"

She gave an exaggerated grin, "Like I pushed two St. Bernard puppies out of a small pet door." Nate made a choking sound and gaped at her. "Oh hush, I didn't mean it that way. You try pushing babies out and tell me how you feel afterward. Not to mention it was all pain med-free."

"And you did a wonderful job, love," Victor said as he kissed her softly. Aine made a few fussing noises as they sat and I noticed Connor's eyes seemed to instantly shift.

"Did you see that?" I asked.

"See what?" they replied.

"Connor. When Aine fussed, his eyes shifted to the amber color Nate's did when he shifted. He can't shift already, can he?" I wondered. The three exchanged concerned looks. "Might want to check on that. I'm thinking having our son turn into a puppy in the middle of school might be a problem."

"Well if he's a cú sídhe like Nate, then it makes sense he would be protective of his twin sister," Victor offered. "But you have a point about him shifting without warning. Looks like you get to go back to school after all," he teased Nate.

"Man, with our school experiences, I think homeschooling looks good," Nate snorted as we all agreed with him. Avery's eyes lit up and Nate tilted his head, "I know that look. What are you scheming, Cariño?"

"Well, I do have a doctorate in education," she said, drawing her words out, " would make sense to open my own school. We can't be the only family with Fae heritage trying to make it in both worlds. What if we turned one of the houses into a school for kids like ours?"

"That's an amazing idea!" I told her, leaning forward. "Do you know which house you would want to alter? If we plan on staying in Drogheda then both homes will need alteration to accommodate all of us, plus kids."

"May I suggest using my place for the school?" Victor offered. "My grandfather always did his best to help and take in kids who had nowhere else to go. Creating a school out of the place seems like a natural fit, and I'm sure my grandmother would be pleased as well."

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