Chapter 101

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I paced the floor as the others sat in chairs relaxing as if nothing had happened. A soft touch on my arm drew my attention. Those hazel eyes held mine as I fought down a sob. "He's safe, Sean," she said softly. "Shadow can't hurt him anymore."

"But how can you be so sure? You didn't see him almost going mad with their whispers digging into his thoughts," I moaned.

She pulled me into her embrace, her fingers tangling in my hair, and whispered, "It's all different now, mo chinniúint. We share our powers now, can't you feel it, can't you feel Owen?" I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on him as her fingertips massaged the base of my scalp. It was like a soft touch when his consciousness brushed against mine. I could feel his smile even if I couldn't see it. "See," she grinned, "He's safe and coming home soon."

I hugged her tightly in return and chuckled, "You're right, Itoshii, I need to have more faith. I guess I've just been so scared that it's hard to believe it's really over."

"No kidding. Now what do we do?" Brandon asked as he sat on the couch. Avery moved to my side, still in my arms as we sat down. "Do we go back to Ireland, and when are the kids coming back?"

Avery gave him a big smile and asked, "Hmm, good question. When is our son coming home?"

His eyes widened as her words sank in. " really want me to bring Elijah to our home?"

"Of course I do! I know he still needs to be with his grandparents at times, but he's your son, so that makes him mine as well, love," she said as she went to kneel next to him.

He pulled her into his arms, murmuring against her neck so low that we couldn't hear, but I could guess with the beautiful shade of red she turned and how she wiggled in his lap.

"Looks beautiful, doesn't she," Owen's voice whispered in my ear as he suddenly appeared. I spun around and saw his grey eyes boring into me. "I'm sorry I worried you, my love," he said gently then pulled my face to his and kissed me. My head spun as our lips molded together. A shiver passed through me as I felt his magic radiating off of him. Barely lifting his mouth from mine he spoke to the others, "If you'll excuse us, I think we need a bit of time alone." I heard laughter, then the world seemed to melt away as he pulled me close and we vanished into the shadows.


The hair on my body stood on end as he entered the gardens. His black coat seemed to devour all light as his paws pressed into the soft soil. Victor's hand tightened around mine as we watched. "Gabe?" I called out to him softly. "We've missed you."

His head lowered as his steps halted. "Or did you miss who I once was?" His voice was deep and sent a ripple of dread through both of us. "Even now, your scent betrays your fear, husbands."

"I'm not afraid of you, Gabe. Your very nature now means to cause those who see and hear you to feel fear. I can't change my natural response, but I don't fear you," Victor said and took a step forward. Gabe let out a snarl, but Victor's steps didn't falter, not even when Gabe lunged, pinning him to the ground. I stood motionless, knowing we had to work past all of this, no matter how difficult it seemed. Victor freed his arm and reached up to grip Gabe's fur, his fingers digging deep. "I love you. I always have and nothing is going to change that."

I took a hesitant step forward as Gabe bared his teeth close to Victor's neck. "Gabe, don't," I cautioned him.

He lifted his head, his eyes meeting mine, and he gave me a wolfish smirk, "I don't think I'll listen this time, Luke." Then, without hesitation, he sank his fangs into Victor's neck causing him to let out a garbled cry. I felt a rush of desire in our bond as he withdrew his fangs and sealed his mark. Victor's eyes were glazed as he left him lying on the ground and moved toward me. "Do you still want me, Lucian? Can you feel me...can you feel what I truly am?"

His voice was low and predatory as he came closer. I felt a ripple of excitement move through me as his snout brushed against my skin. "Mark me," I breathed. "Claim me as yours." He gave a low purr, then clamped down on my neck. I grasped onto his fur as the world seemed to spin. His power rivaled my own and in time it would outgrow it. This wasn't the same boy I'd known all those years, nor was he the same man I'd married. He was something dark and powerful now, but I still loved him, still claimed him as mine. His fangs withdrew and I swayed as I watched him transform into the handsome blue-eyed devil I'd fallen in love with.

He caught me easily as I fell forward, his arms wrapping around me protectively. "Shh, love, I've got you," he cooed. He stroked my face, "I can't lose you, either of you. Please forgive me."

I had no idea what he meant as the darkness overtook me. 

Author's Notes:  Any ideas what Gabe means?

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