Chapter 51

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I squinted my eyes against the bright lights and groaned. "Please tell me I'm not dead."

"Avery, baby." I felt Victor's hand stroking my face and smiled. Someone dimmed the lights and I sighed.

"Please tell me we got those sick bastards," I muttered.

"You've been unconscious for two days and that's the first thing you want to know, chaton?"

My eyes flew open, "I've what!"

Gabriel laughed, "Yes chaton, two days you've had all of us terrified and living on horrible hospital coffee." He came to stand near my head as he stroked my face. "When you're out of here and given a clean bill of health, I'm going to paddle your ass red for going on a fucking mission."

I leaned up and held my head, "Yeah, well somebody had to do it. Damn, what the hell did they give me? I feel like I've been hit by a truck."

"Rohypnol and then laudanum," Sean's voice said. I looked around, my eyes landing on a screen with his tired face. "Hello Itoshii, I've missed you."

I felt tears rush to my eyes, "Oh, Sean, I'm so glad you're okay. I was getting worried when you didn't call. I know Owen said it was normal, but still."

"And still she avoids the fact that she did a fucking mission and risked her damn life," Gabriel grunted. "Obstinate woman." I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled.

"Okay, so fill me in," I said, pulling Victor into the bed with me. They all shared what they'd seen and heard.

"So do you remember anything about the ambulance ride?" Victor asked.

"Nope. I remember being tied up in that fucking sling, then Shane making me swallow the nasty stuff in the tube. Other than that, I just remember waking up a few minutes ago to bright overhead lighting. Who decided that was a good thing in a hospital?"

Sean chuckled, "Well as a former hospital physician, I can attest to the poor lighting decisions, love. Now, I hate to run, but duty calls. I'll send you an email later and video call again as soon as possible. Oh, and Avery, no more missions - you're grounded."

"But Sean, it was so exciting," I whined.

"Maybe for you, but for the rest of us, it was traumatic," he replied. "I love you, now get some rest."

"I love you too. Please be careful," I told him and kissed the screen gently as his image faded. I leaned back against Victor and sighed, "Okay what else?"

He chuckled, "It's creepy when you do that, you realize that, right?" I just shrugged. Not my fault they suck at secrets. "So what do you know about banshee?"

I sat up and gave him an odd stare, "Well, they're harbingers of death - sort of. In old lore, they were similar to what you would call a grim reaper. They didn't collect souls, but they announced death with their cries or screams. It was usually for family or those they loved, but a powerful banshee would call the Morrigan to collect lost souls. Why the mythology lesson?"

"What are banshee? Are they good, bad...what?" Kota asked.

"They're Fae - neither good nor bad, just like death isn't good or bad, but just a part of the cycle," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Care to fill me in now?"

Victor let out a deep sigh and recounted what had happened in the ambulance as well as what happened in the hospital. "The old woman said the banshee was calling the Morrigan to collect the souls. Avery when you sat up in the ambulance you spoke in Irish. You said, 'Bris an mallacht, saor a n-anamacha'. Kota said that translated to..."

"Break the curse, free their souls," I finished, frowning. "I don't remember saying that. Like I said, I don't remember anything except being in that sling."


News of the bizarre events at the farm had finally broken and even though our names were kept out of it, the university did cancel the foundation course opting to pass all the remaining students. With that over, my dissertation all but published, and no more TA duties, I was bored out of my mind. I still had to attend Kota's class each week as a formality, but otherwise, I had no real reason to be in Dublin.

Owen had returned to London for court a week later. Marc and Axel bid their farewells too, but promised to come visit soon. Nathan had been spending nights at Kota's. He seemed withdrawn since the whole event and I was beginning to worry about him.

"So what happened that Nathan won't tell me about?" I finally asked Gabriel and Victor.

They both avoided my eyes until Victor finally said, "He ended up killing Mike. It messed with him, Avery. He's having a hard time dealing with it."

I thought my head was going to explode, "Why didn't you guys tell me?"

"He didn't want to worry you, Chaton," Gabriel said, pulling me into his lap. "Kota is keeping an eye on him." He placed a kiss on my neck, "How about we all have a family dinner? That way you can check on him yourself." His hand traveled between my legs as he pressed the palm of his hand against my core. I nodded and moaned as he began making circles. "Is my kitten needy," he cooed. "Do you want Victor and I to make you feel better?"

My back arched as his teeth scraped across my skin and I whimpered, "Yes, please."

I heard Victor's pants hit the floor as he moved behind me, his warm skin pressing against my back. I leaned my head back, his mouth claiming mine as Gabriel let his pants drop, then removed my panties. Victor had opened my blouse, his strong hands kneading my breasts while Gabriel's fingers began to slide in and out of my folds. "I need to be inside of you, baby," Victor moaned. In moments they had me repositioned between them as I straddled Gabriel's lap. I cried out when they pushed their cocks inside my core at the same time. "Oh, fuck, that's it, Avery," he moaned.

"Damn you two look amazing," Gabriel groaned as he watched us. "How the fuck did I ever get so lucky?" He ducked his head and took my breast in his mouth, his teeth gently tugging at my nipples as their thrusts went deeper.

My body felt like it was vibrating as I cried out their names, begging to cum. I became lost in their touches, and their praise as I came repeatedly until they both roared and spilled inside of me. We lay tangled in each other's arms for most of the morning.

Author's Notes:  a bit of smut to lighten the mood...more to come...(pun intended)

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