Chapter 47

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She came out of the bedroom in a tight sports bra and spandex shorts. I groaned internally. How the hell am I supposed to train her when all I really want to do is fuck her? She grinned as we walked into the small backyard. "So what are you going to teach me?"

I'd like to teach you how to bend in half, I thought to myself, but said, "I want to make sure you know some basic self-defense moves. I need to know you stand a fighting chance against those two." I showed her a few moves. She paid close attention, asked questions, and wanted to practice over and over again. Victor sat watching us practice, laughing when she'd catch me off guard and land a hit.

We were both bent over, gripping our knees and panting. "This is fun," she grinned, "I never had any siblings to beat up. Now I know what Fi was always going on about."

I gave her a rueful smirk, "Glad to be of assistance, Cariño."

"Care for a new partner," Owen's voice asked from the small patio. He grinned as he held out his arms to her. She let out a scream and ran, practically tackling him as she peppered his face with kisses.

It didn't take long for it to get a bit steamy and another voice hollered, "Get a room." Wait...I knew that voice. Sure enough, Marc and Axel came out of the house with grins as they watched Owen and Avery. "Damn, I don't think I've ever gotten a greeting like that before, have you, Ax?"

"Certainly not by you," he quipped. Hmmm...wonder if there's a story there?

"So you're Owen's PI, huh?" Victor asked with a grin as he shook their hands. Avery was still in Owen's arms as she eyed both of them cautiously.

"Yeah, I've been working freelance for a few years now. I had no idea who I was responding to at first, then it just moved forward from there. This guy has some interesting cases, let me tell you," Marc grinned.

"Love, I'd like you to meet two old friends of ours. This is Marc Weiland and Axel Toma. We did a few Academy missions with them," Owen told her. "Gentlemen, this is Ms. Avery Dorman."

Marc grinned at her, holding out his hand, "So you're the wildfire that tamed the Blackbourne nine? Pleasure to meet you."

"Dia duit, nice to meet both of you as well," Avery said, "So are you the one who's going to be my shadow?"

Marc blinked and looked at Owen, "I thought you said she didn't know?"

Avery giggled. "Love, did the others say something?" Owen looked at her as she shook her head no. "Then how?"

"That's my secret, mo chroí (pronounced moh kree)," she winked, then kissed his nose as we chuckled. "So, whose butt do I get to kick now?"

"How about me?" Axel said with a wicked grin. "I think I can take a little waif like you."

Oh shit. I swear she growled as she slid from Owen's arms. "Axel, right?" He nodded. She held out her hand and Victor handed her a catcher's mask. "You're gonna need this, asal sotalach (arrogant ass)." He laughed and took it from her. They came to stand in the yard as I played ref.

"Okay, the point is to teach her how to escape if she's caught and to defend herself, not to hurt her, Ax," I told him.

He grinned and gave her a wink, "I'm not gonna hurt a little girl, Nate. I may be an arrogant ass, but I'm not a mean one." She gave him a small laugh and relaxed a bit. "Okay, I'm going to put you in a hold. Do absolutely anything to get out of it. You won't break me, so don't hold back," he told her. She nodded as he wrapped his arms around her, one around her middle, the other near her throat.

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