Chapter 23

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I watched her sleeping, her arms curling around mine as I held her. I was mentally kicking myself for pushing her, but damn she had felt so good.

"Looks like Luke and I aren't the only ones who wore her out," Victor chuckled from the doorway. He leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed watching us. "You're looking at her the way Luke did the morning they confessed their feelings. You're already in love with her," he stated.

My fingers slid through her hair as I sighed, "I am." I looked up at him, "I'm sorry."

"Why?" he asked, coming into the room. "You didn't force her into anything, and based on the sounds coming from the bathroom earlier, she very much enjoyed it." I felt my cheeks heat at the memory and implication. "She's in control here, Kota, not any of us. We will all follow what she wants."

"I've never felt so drawn to someone before. The first time I saw her, it was like no one else was there, the world just vanished around us. I know that sounds cheesy as hell, but it's true. Then when I realized she was my student, I felt so conflicted. Throw in finding out on the train about you and Luke, was like a knife in my gut."

"Just take it slow with her. She's experienced a lot in her short life, and one of her biggest fears is losing the people she loves. Like she said the other night, she's been on her own since she was seventeen. It made her strong and independent, but as we all know from our fucked up childhoods, it also left her with lots of insecurities too." He ran his hand down her leg, then stood heading to the door. "Come on down when you two are ready. Erin and Luke are making cookies. They even dragged North into it," he grinned.

"Yeah, I'll have to see that one," I chuckled, then turned my attention to the beauty in my arms.

She slept for another half hour before stirring. I pressed soft kisses to her forehead as her eyes opened. She gave me a shy smile, "Hi."

"Hello, beautiful. Do you feel better?"

Her cheeks flushed, "Um, yes. I...I've never had anything like that happen before."

I lifted her chin, "Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm guessing you've never had three men push you quite so far sexually in such a short period either. What you experienced is called a subdrop."

Her eyes clouded with confusion, "But isn't that a BDSM thing? I mean, we didn't do that kind of stuff."

I chuckled, "Oh sweetheart, it isn't just a BDSM thing. A subdrop is just a phrase. It happens when you become overstimulated in sex and then your chemical levels suddenly drop. It can happen instantly or even days later."

"Oh," she said softly. Just as she'd done in the bathroom, she darted her tongue over her lips and I groaned.

"You have no clue how fucking sexy you are, do you, Avery?" Her surprised expression answered for her. I cupped her face, "You are beautiful inside and out. These lips are so kissable." I gently kissed her, then continued, "This neck is alluring," my kisses continued with each comment, "Such supple skin, perfect breasts, luscious curves, and a perfectly round ass that begs to be gripped and spanked," I growled as I cupped the two globes and pulled her to me. She whimpered when my erection pressed against her tender clit. "Someday I hope I'm lucky enough to feel myself deep inside of you and hear my name fall from your lips as you come undone."

She whined and shifted as I ground her against me gently. "Kota," her soft voice pleaded.

I growled in frustration, "Fuck. I want you so badly, but a certain little girl is waiting for you downstairs. She talked her Uncle North into making cookies with her and Luke." Avery giggled, lighting up her face. "However, I will take another kiss, if you allow, before we go downstairs."

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