Chapter 9

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"Wow, this is definitely a step down for Victor," Sean muttered as we pulled into the muddy driveway. "He looks so different."

"Don't we all?" I snorted as we got out of the car.

Victor greeted us at the door. He looked thinner but more relaxed in his jeans and T-shirt. Long gone were the starched white dress shirts and dress pants. He looked more like I remembered North and Silas. "Owen, Sean, I'm so glad you made it," he boomed as he embraced us one after the other. "Come on in. I've got the fire going and tea on the stove. Feel free to hang your coats by the door."

"It's good to see you again," I said as we hung our coats and followed him into the comfortable-looking kitchen. A large Dutch fireplace roared and the room smelled of wood and cinnamon. It was very welcoming and warm. "The place is deceptive from the outside," I chuckled as he poured tea.

"Yeah, my grandmother didn't keep up with appearances much. I'm trying to get it fixed up a bit at a time. I'm almost done with the first level, just have to finish fighting with the water heater. It's a bit temperamental. I've got a friend helping me now, so it's going a bit quicker. He'll be over a bit later." He sat down and grinned, "So tell me what the two of you have been up to?"

Sean put down his tea. "I think I've been in every continent now and most countries," he chuckled. "When the team split, I needed a change. I went back to Japan and worked for a bit with my parents. I think Owen already told you I ran into Sang in Tokyo. She'd joined and found love. Last I knew, they were working as a couples team, but that was almost seven years ago I think. Since then I've bounced around. I was in Morocco when Owen called."

"Wow, that's amazing, Sean," Victor replied. "While I did some traveling over the years, it wasn't under the best circumstances. Coming to Ireland has been a real eye-opener though. Apparently, my grandmother was a bit of a celebrity here, far more than me," he chuckled.

"Well, that's got to be a bit different," I commented. "Have you made any plans?"

A huge grin spread across his face, "Well, funny you should ask. It's still new, but I have met someone here. She's amazing. It's actually her friend that's been helping me with the repairs."

Well my curiosity has peaked now, and I'm sure Sean's was as well. "So do we get to meet this amazing lady?"

"Sadly, she just left for university in Dublin a couple of days ago. She's in her last year working on her doctorate in education. Hopefully, we can all get together soon though. I'd really like for you to meet her," he smiled.

I started to say something when we heard the door open and a small girl ran into the room. "Victor!" she squealed and jumped into his lap.

"Hey, cutie!" He hugged her tightly, then said, "These are my friends Owen and Sean."

She gave us a shy wave. Her eyes were the darkest brown I'd ever seen next to Luke's.

"You have very pretty eyes, sweetie," Sean told her.

She giggled, "Mama Avery says they look like my Daddy's."

I raised my eyebrows in question. "And your Mama Avery would be right," a familiar voice said from the doorway. I turned and almost spilled my teacup. "Hey Sean, Owen, how the heck are you guys?" Luke grinned as he crossed the kitchen floor and held out his arms. I heard Victor chuckle as Luke hugged each of us.

Tears filled my eyes as I hugged my brother again. "How? I don't understand?" I stuttered.

"What are you doing in Ireland?" Sean gaped tears in his eyes as well.

Luke laughed and sat down as his daughter climbed from Victor's lap to his. "Well, funny story. Victor's neighbor just happens to be my friend. I come over when she goes to university to house-sit and give Erin's grandparents time to see her as well. Imagine my surprise when I find out her new love interest is Victor."

"Yeah, Avery told me his name was Luke and he was a widower, but I never connected the dots until he walked into her kitchen one day," Victor said with a smirk.

"But why did your daughter call her Mama Avery if she is dating Victor?" Sean asked.

"Mama Avery kissed Daddy and Victor," Erin giggled as Luke tickled her belly. "She's not my real mama. My Mama has angel wings, but Mama Avery loves me and takes care of me too."

I looked between the two men and they just gave me a knowing look. "I think Mama Avery sounds like an amazing person, Erin," I told her as she smiled.

"Can I have waffles, Victor?" she asked him.

"Sure thing, cutie," he answered her, and lifting her out of Luke's lap they began pulling ingredients out of the cabinets. Then he sat her on the counter and she helped him mix.

"So I take it this is a relatively new development?" I asked Luke who was watching them.

He turned to us and shrugged his shoulders. "Avery and Fiona had been best friends since childhood. When Fiona died, Av helped me pick up the pieces. It was Victor who pushed me to tell her the truth. He was willing to walk away again just to make me happy. After what he told me his parents did, I couldn't come between the two of them. She's crazy about him."

"Then how did this all happen?" Sean pushed gently.

Luke gave a short laugh, "Apparently, she had no intention of letting either of us off the hook. She told me she'd been in love with me for a long time, but was afraid of dishonoring Fiona's memory. She also told us she couldn't choose, so here we are ten years later trying a poly relationship again."

"I'll admit I'm a bit jealous," Sean whispered. "I've barely dated, let alone found anyone since Sang left. Then again, I also haven't stayed in one place very long either."

"You're hiding," Luke said. "I did that after Fiona died. I avoided any situation that might lead to a connection. The only person I didn't avoid was Avery, but at first, I didn't think of her that way. Then by the time I realized it, I felt like I'd missed my chance."

"I think I'm just unlucky in the love department," I said. "After Chloe and I split, I've been on dozens of dates, but none have any spark to them. Most of them are money chasers."

"Okay folks, we have chocolate chip waffles over here," Victor hollered. "Come and get 'em!"

I laughed, "I see the love of chocolate is alive and well still."

"Hey, I have to raise the girl properly. She even convinced North to make chocolate chip cookies for her birthday this year. I have photographic proof of him eating one too," he laughed as we followed him toward the sugary breakfast.  

Author's Notes:  Am I moving too slow...too fast?  Feedback please

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