Chapter 42

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Kota hadn't been able to join us for breakfast so we grabbed something quick and now we were looking at the fifth house on our list. Avery was bouncing around, eyes wide and squealing every five seconds at the latest thing she found. I think it's fair to say this is the one.

"Oh my goodness! Just look at this shower...I think I've died and gone to the Summerlands," she gushed. Grabbing my hand, she dragged me down the hall. "See this can be your room. Look at all the space and the ceiling has designs on it. You can look up at them before you sleep."

"If this is such a nice room, why don't you want it?" I asked playfully. Of course, I already knew the answer. She wanted the one with the full wall of bookshelves and window seat. "I mean, the other one is closer to that jacuzzi tub..."

"But look at this shower. You could fit four people in here," she protested. "It even has a waterfall setting, see?" She turned it on and then squealed as the water sprayed her front. "Well, feck." I let out a booming round of laughter as she scowled at me. "I see how it's going to be," she grumbled and grabbed the sprayer, aiming it at me. Before I could even protest, she had drenched me. Her mouth fell open as she realized she had no exit as I stalked toward her.

"So my cariño wants to play, is that it?" I smirked as I backed her into the shower. Before she could move, I'd turned on the water and pulled her against me, soaking both of us.

"Nathan!" she gasped. Her brown hair stuck to her face and the thin fabric of her clothing quickly left nothing to my imagination. The warm water poured over us as I cupped her face and kissed her. She whimpered as I pressed her tighter against me, my hands moving down her body, gently squeezing her breasts. Our mouths fought for dominance as I began removing her clothes and she removed mine.

"Tell me to stop," I said in a lust-filled voice, "Tell me now or I won't ever stop, Avery." Her response was to wrap her arms around my neck as she lifted her legs around my waist. She gasped when her back pressed against the tiles, but only for a moment as it turned into a moan of pleasure as I sank inside of her. I gripped her ass as I began to thrust rapidly. She felt perfect like this was how it was meant to be.

"Nathan, please," she whined, her body arching and trembling.

"Cum for me, Cariño," I groaned as I felt both of us fall over the edge. We clung to one another for a few moments longer as the water flowed. "Will you let me love you?"

She pressed her forehead to mine, "I'd like that, as long as you let me love you in return," she whispered, then kissed me.

It wasn't until I turned off the water that we finally heard the voices outside. "Yeah, I think my friend will take the place. I'll have the paperwork sent over immediately," Kota said. "Why don't you just leave the keys and take this for the deposit."

"Oh...oh, um, okay," the landlady sputtered, "Thank you." We heard a door close and then Kota's voice at the bathroom door.

"So, I'll go grab some clothes for you two now that you've fully traumatized the landlady," he laughed, "Oh, and Nate, I'm glad to have you back in the family, man. Wouldn't be the same without you."

Avery giggled, "He's right you know. I think Luke and Victor were right. It's like the universe pulled all of us together."

"Then I owe my deepest thanks to the powers that pulled this off, Cariño."

Author's Note:  And that's all nine :)


When they say we are moving, they mean it. Kota and Nate had all of my stuff plus clothing for Nathan, and new furniture delivered before five that same night. The guys were at the new dining table setting plates as I finished up dinner. "That smells amazing, love," Kota said as he wrapped his arms around me.

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