Chapter 60

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I practically shoved an old couple down the ramp when I saw Avery standing in the airport. We ran towards each other like a corny scene from a Hallmark movie, hugging and kissing with abandon before falling to our knees sobbing. "I thought I'd lost you," she muttered.

"You will never lose me, baby," I told her, in between kisses.

Owen knelt next to us and cupped my face, "Hello my love." I pulled his face to mine, kissing him soundly as he chuckled. When the kiss broke, he smiled, "If you don't have any plans this week, we thought it might be nice to get married."

I gaped, "Now? We're really doing this now?"

Avery giggled as we all stood up. "The dress arrived yesterday, we have the rings and the paperwork is filed. All we needed was the last groom to get his happy ass home," Gabe smirked.

I laughed, "Good thing the Russian followed me home. I promised him an invite for saving my ass." I turned to see him chatting with Marc and Axel. "Did you hear that Raven - we're getting married!"

He gave me a confused look, "Da, I knew that."

"He means immediately, Crow," North laughed. "Day after tomorrow to be specific."

Raven muttered, "Блин, не хватает времени, чтобы добиться расположения злющей феи," as Marc and Axel busted out laughing. I looked at Avery who's cheeks were glowing.

"Do I want to know?" I asked her.

"Um, why is he talking about wooing a feisty fairy?" I blinked at her innocence, then turned around, shouting at Raven.

"The feisty fairy is spoken for, Raven. Find your own!" He just shrugged and muttered under his breath.


We sat in the backyard of Avery's home around a large fire. Avery sat in my lap with a light blanket over us as we all visited. "So Raven, how did you end up in the Ukraine, or did you go just to find Sean," she asked him.

"I was already there, fairy. I may be Russian, but I'm not proud of what my country is doing so I fight with the men and women of Ukraine for their freedom," he said gruffly. Sitting here now, I could see the changes in him. He had scars on his right jaw and neck as well as more tattoos than he'd had in our younger days. His eyes looked far more haunted.

"You mentioned Corey in the truck. Are you and he still in contact?" I asked.

His expression softened, "We talk but I have not seen him for a long time. No one knows where Brandon is. Corey left to find him."

"Wait, what do you mean missing," Axel interrupted, "How long?"

"Five years. He always struggled after... Then he just vanished - no calls, no clues. I fear...but Corey refuses to give up. Said he couldn't forgive me for even thinking Brandon would..." His words trailed off and he cleared his throat, "Excuse me," he said softly and walked off toward the treeline.

"How did we not know," Axel muttered looking at Marc with a lost expression.

Marc gripped his hand as I felt Avery grip mine. "We were gone, Ax. I was so focused on finding my sister that I never stopped to think about the others."

"Who are Brandon and Corey?" Avery whispered in my ear.

"The Henshaw twins. Corey and Raven were once lovers when they worked for the Academy. All five of them were a team under Axel's lead. We lost touch with them years ago, much like we had with one another," I explained. Her eyes looked so sad as she followed the direction Raven had gone. "I know that look, Itoshii. Go, check on him," I encouraged her. She kissed me and with a soft smile, slipped away following our Russian friend. If anyone could pull him back from his dark place, it would be her. She was a pure light in the world.

"So Sean, what did you mean when you said you needed to ask Shortcake about Fae?" North asked, adding another log to the fire.

When everything happened, I remember asking anyone out there listening to help me get back. Then a few days later I swear I heard a voice - it sounded like an old woman telling me to go west, which was not the direction we had intended to travel, but my gut said to listen and then we ended up in the town where Raven found us."

"You think a Fae helped you?" Victor asked.

"I didn't at first, but then in that town, both Tran and I saw a little girl. The whole place was blazing with gunfire and burning buildings and all of a sudden this little toddler was motioning for us to follow her. She was always out of reach, leading us through the back streets and alleys, but then she just vanished. That's when the mortar shells hit and the next thing I know, I'm staring up at Raven." They all stared in stunned silence.

"Does weird stuff like this happen to you guys all the time?" Marc asked, finally breaking the tension. "I mean first the stalker dude, then the names at the hospital, now this. You have to admit, it's odd."

The grin on Victor and Luke's faces was priceless when they both said, "Welcome to Ireland, friends."


"Are you okay?" I spun around in shock. I was a trained soldier and this little creature had managed to slip up on me without a single sound. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," she whispered.

I shook my head, "It's okay...I'll be okay, but thanks." I turned my face up, looking at the clear night sky.

"He still loves you," she said as she came to stand next to me. "He needs you."

I scoffed, "Who are you to say this? You don't know me, us." I don't know why her statement upset me so, but it did. I was angry - how dare she say these things! "Leave."

"No," she said quietly, but firmly. "You cannot keep shutting everyone out. You keep trying to hide the pain, but I see it written all over your soul. It calls out like a beacon. You need to reach out to him. He's hurting too. Words were spoken in anger, but neither of you should be alone."

I looked down at her, fully intending to yell and curse to drive her away, but instead found her tender eyes streaming tears for me, for my Corey - she didn't even know us. It broke my heart. "Don't cry, красивая фея (beautiful fairy)," I said, wiping a tear with my thumb. "I'm sorry I snapped, but I fear you are mistaken. He will not forgive me, because I cannot forgive myself."

"Please don't give up hope, Raven," she said, putting her small hands on mine. "Trust that the universe is listening and ask...ask for peace, for answers. Cry out and demand them if you must, but don't give up." Her eyes were filled with determination as she looked up at me. They were a greenish gold that seemed to brighten as she spoke.

"Wow, красивый (beautiful)" I breathed, making her blush.

"Stop changing the subject," she smiled. "Now, come back and pick up the phone. Invite him to the wedding. It's a start."

I nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

"Good boy," she giggled. Why did that sound so fucking hot coming out of her lips?  

Author's Notes:  I still can't decide if I want the Toma guys involved romantically...thoughts?

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