Chapter 39

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I felt like my heart was being torn apart. We stood at Heathrow airport waiting for two flights. I clung to Sean, terrified for him in his latest assignment. "So no alcohol until you have your next cycle and get tested, understood?" He tapped my nose. "Just in case."

"I'm not exactly much of a drinker, Sean, but yes, I promise. Then again, I may have to quit completely with the way all of you keep me occupied," I laughed.

"Make Victor find the perfect ring, and send me pictures," he said, kissing my hand. "I love you, Avery."

My eyes began to water and I sniffled, "I love you so much, Sean. Please stay safe and come home to me."

"Always, Itoshii, I promise." He kissed me one last time as they called for the boarding. The others hugged him and said their goodbyes as Victor held me tightly.

I stood at the window watching until the plane had left sight, my tears flowing freely now. "He'll be okay," Victor said softly. I nodded and turned to face my second round of goodbyes. Erin was hugging her Uncle North, trying not to cry.

Silas opened his arms to me and I gladly buried myself in his chest. "Be good while we're gone, agape. Just focus on school and we'll be back before you know it."

"I will. Tell Uncle I said hello and that he needs to come visit soon," I smiled, then sighed as he cupped my face and kissed me. "I love you, Silas," I breathed when the kiss broke.

"Hmm, I love you, my beautiful fiance," he grinned, then gently pushed me toward North.

"Hey, Shortcake," he teased, picking me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. "Fuck, I'm going to miss you, Avery."

"Thank you for not letting me hide from my feelings. If you hadn't told Luke, then I might never have given this a try. Now I can't imagine life without any of you," I told him. "I love you, North."

He crushed me against him as he kissed my neck then whispered, "I love you, too, and when I get back you are going to need several days of rest when I'm finished with you, little girl." My entire body shivered, making him chuckle darkly. "Be a good girl for Victor and Gabe while all of us are gone, okay?"

I nodded, "I promise. You and Silas take care of each other too." He put me down and once again, everyone said their goodbyes and I watched their plane leave. I sighed knowing that our flight would be next taking us back to Dublin and then next week both Erin and Luke would leave. Gabriel was going home with Victor to spend the week with all of them, then staying with Victor for a while. Nathan would be staying as well, but he said he planned to spend most of his time at my place to let Victor and Gabriel get reacquainted.

Owen came up and embraced me. "I suppose it's my turn to say goodbye, my love. I am only a short flight away if you need me. Hell, even if you just want to have dinner, I'll be there." I laughed, trying not to cry even more as he gently kissed me. "We won't be apart much longer, Avery. Once you graduate, we can all decide what is best for our family."

"I love you," I told him as he kissed me again and also declared his love. Holding Victor's hand I waved to him as we boarded the plane, then leaned into his chest as we flew back to Dublin.

"Hey love, time to wake up," Victor said gently as he shook my shoulder. Despite the short flight, I had managed to fall asleep. I rubbed my eyes as we gathered our carry-on bags and departed.

A limo was waiting for us and I looked at Gabriel, "Really?"

"Oh hush, Chaton. I'm a full blown snob now, just deal with it," he smirked.

"He's going to freak out when he sees Drogheda," I snorted.

"Yeah, I had the same thought the first time I saw my grandmother's house. Who knows, it might do him some good to get knocked down a peg or two," Victor laughed as he helped me into the limo.

Our first stop was Kota's apartment. I was surprised when Nathan grabbed his bags. "I thought you were planning to stay at my place?" I asked.

"I will, but I thought those three could use a bit of privacy for now. Besides, this way the three of us can grab dinner tonight without any suspicion." I grinned. We had explained to both him and Gabriel the precarious situation Kota and I were in due to his status as both my advisor and professor.

"Okay, just give me a ring later and we'll make plans," I told them as they left. Erin leaned into my side and I kissed her head. "So are you ready to show Gabriel all your pretty hair bows?"

"Yep! He said he'll teach me how to braid my hair too," she giggled. "Then I can braid your hair too, Mama."

"I'd like that, pretty girl. Now you be good for Daddy, Victor, and Gabriel, okay? I'll see you next weekend before you go back to Charleston." She nodded and when the limo stopped outside my flat, she unbuckled and hugged me tightly. I kissed her head, "I love you, baby."

"I love you too, Mama," she sniffled.

All three of the guys got out of the limo to hug and kiss me. Victor was the last and he held me for a moment longer. "Would you mind if Gabe and I stay with you next weekend after Luke and Erin leave?"

"No, I'd love that," I hummed.

"Good, because I really miss holding you all night," he laughed. "I'll call when we make it home. I love you."

"I love you, too." With one last kiss, he climbed back into the limo and they drove off.

I let out a sigh and climbed the steps to my flat. Once inside, I locked the doors and climbed into bed, happy but exhausted.  

Author's Notes:  Sadness...they're all scattered again.

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