Chapter 20

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We hugged and kissed Erin and then waved goodbye to the others as they loaded up and headed to Victor's place. When the door closed I spun her around and crashed my mouth to hers. I lifted her up as she wrapped her arms around my waist and carried her up the stairs to her room. I set her on the bed as I quickly removed my clothes and she did the same. Damn, she was beautiful.

She held her arms out to me, those hazel eyes turning a deeper shade of green, "Luke," she whispered. I groaned softly as I climbed onto the bed. Our lips met again as her hands tugged at my hair. I could feel the heat radiating from her core as she ground against me. "Please, she murmured.

I quickly rolled on the condom and locked eyes with her, I slid inside of her as she cried out softly. "I love you so much, Avery," I groaned as our hips met. Her skin felt like silk against mine. With a ragged breath, I pulled back and then slammed inside of her again. Our bodies were soon covered in a sheen of sweat as our moans filled the room. "Cum for me, baby," I groaned as my orgasm broke and I spilled into the condom. Avery cried out, her fingers digging into my shoulders as her core spasmed around me.

Reluctantly, I got pulled out and tossed the condom into the trash, then cleaned us both up. Climbing back into her bed, I pulled her against me, pressing kisses to our neck. She giggled, "Well that was definitely worth the wait."

"I'm glad I didn't disappoint," I chuckled. "It's been a while. Then again, we do have the whole night to practice." She hummed her approval and nuzzled my chest.


We'd been here three days and Avery had all of us captivated. It amazed me how quickly we'd all fallen into a routine just as if no time had ever passed between any of us. Her kitchen hummed with activity as she and Erin baked bread, while Luke and North prepared the main course. I had been relegated to present wrapping since my cooking skills, while they had improved, were better suited to an outdoor grill than a kitchen.

"So Sean, just how many places have you traveled to?" Avery asked me as she tried to itch her nose. I chuckled and reached up to rub her nose for her as she laughed, "It never fails. The minute I put my hands in the dough, I get an itch."

"I'm more than happy to scratch that itch any time," I said in a low voice. I knew she was head over heels for both Victor and Luke, but I simply couldn't resist. I often found myself just lost in watching her. It was like she had this inner light that just pulled you to her. I'd never met someone so genuine and kind, not to mention brilliant and drop-dead gorgeous. She had eyes that captivated you and damn those curves just made me drool. Victor's walls were a bit thin, and hearing her sounds of pleasure one night made me come undone in my room.

Her eyelashes fluttered for a moment as my innuendo sank in, then she blushed. "You cheeky devil."

"Always, dear," I grinned. "And to answer your question, I've been to every continent now and more countries than I can even remember. As amazing as it is, sometimes it can be overwhelming especially when it's a natural disaster situation. Those are beyond heartbreaking because often we can't do much. I was held at gunpoint once in Central America for a few days along with several other nurses and doctors. I honestly haven't returned to that region since."

Her eyes widened, "Oh my goodness! That's so terrifying, I'm glad you weren't hurt."

I gave her a sexy grin and winked, "Oh my dear, who would want to harm such a sexy man like myself? What a loss to humanity."

"Why Dr. Green, does your ego even fit in overhead storage when you fly?" Her sassy comment made me laugh and I started to reply when Victor came up and kissed her neck.

"I have to warn you, Sean, she's far sassier than she looks. She's baiting you."

Avery huffed, "Stop giving away my tricks. He was getting so confident." I blinked in confusion.

"A few more minutes and you'd be eating out of her hand," Victor laughed. "Come on, you can help me gather her list of items from the woods since we aren't kitchen-worthy. Owen, Kota, you want to join?"

"Sure," Kota said as he put on his coat.

Owen looked up from the laptop and sighed, "I'd love an excuse to stretch my legs. What are we gathering?"

Avery grinned, "We need a good Yule log, fresh mistletoe, and a few cedar boughs. Please don't get lost again," she teased Victor. "The sídhe seem to like confusing you."

"The what?" Owen asked.

"Fae folk," she replied. "First time I found him wandering the moors, lost as a little lamb. I thought he was a spectre for sure until he spoke."

"I think I'm even more confused now," Owen said.

Her eyes twinkled, as she gave Victor a playful look, "Guess you'll have a lot to explain on your walk."

He rolled his eyes and we followed him out to a small shed where he grabbed some tarps, gloves, and saws. "Welcome to Ireland, gents," he grinned as we marched toward the small patch of woods. "Apparently, my grandmother, or Maimeó as they say here was a bit old-fashioned. Then again, I've noticed the longer I'm here that the folks who've always lived here do things differently. They still practice a lot of old traditions from before the land was converted. Avery has always celebrated Yule and the Solstice more than Christmas, so she blends a bit of both for Luke and Erin, well, and now me."

"Wow, that's fascinating," Kota said with a grin. 'So how can we help?"

He handed him a saw, "You can help me cut a good sized Yule log, but one that will fit in the hearth, while Owen and Sean collect the mistletoe and boughs."

"Should I look out for little folk?" I joked.

Victor frowned, "Watch it, Sean. Ireland is different. She wasn't kidding about me being lost. I could see the manor, but damned if every time I walked toward it, I didn't get blocked or turned around. I'm not sure what I believe, but I also don't joke about it."

I gave him an odd look, then shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a bag as Owen and I went to the left while Kota and he went to the right.

Author's Notes:  Please comment, vote, share, and follow!

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