Chapter 26

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"Estúpido!" Isabelle screamed as she slammed the door. I pinched the bridge of my nose groaning to myself. I swear I can't catch a damn break.

The ringing of my phone made me jolt. "Hello?"

"Hey, Nate," Gabe's voice came through the line. "How's things?"

I gave a hollow laugh, "Do you have fucking radar or what? Iz just stormed out again."

"What about this fucking time?" I could hear the disdain in his voice. He didn't think much of my supposed fiance. Then again, here lately, I didn't either.

"She's pissed about the London show. Turns out there is some sort of runway thing she wanted me to go to. When I told her I'd already booked our flights, she blew up, said I was a selfish man and stupid as she left."

" that a single or double fucking room then?" he laughed.

"Fuck you, Gabe," I snorted.

"Aw, come on, man! You have to admit, it is damn hilarious. You set out to find the perfect woman physically, but neglected to get one with a single ounce of fucking humility," he taunted. "Accept the facts, Nate. She isn't the one."

Of course, I knew he was right, but at the same time, I wasn't ready to let go...or was I?

"Well, I was just calling about reservations. I'll book a double just in case she changes her damn mind. Hey, if she doesn't come, look at it like a test run for being single again," he chuckled.

"Gee, thanks for the positivity, Mr. Sunshine," I laughed. "I'll see you, man."

He gave me a few more jabs and laughter before hanging up. I grabbed a drink and sat down sipping my water as my eyes fell on an old picture of all of us. Gods it had been forever it seemed. We all looked so young, so innocent. I chuckled to myself at the thought of Luke being a father. I'd heard about the wreck but was on deployment and didn't find out until the funeral was long over. I'd sent a card and got a thank you card in return a few months after with a photo of him and his daughter that had North, Silas, and Uncle in the background. I'm guessing the rest had drifted off as well.

Fuck, I was a mess back then. There are days I'm not sure I'm much better now. Iz was beautiful on the outside, but a selfish brat on the inside. I guess for a while it was working. I didn't want to fall in love again, not after the pain losing Sang caused. It was easier to have the trophy wife.

Hell, who knows, maybe a week in London with Gabe is just what I need. At least it will be interesting...the man knows how to throw one hell of a party. I laughed to myself as I started cleaning up the apartment, then headed to the bathroom to shower.

Guess I'm spending my New Year's Eve alone.


We all sat around the fire pit, bundled up as the flames lifted to the night sky. "Okay, sweetie, are you ready?" Av asked Erin who giddily clung to her little leaf. She hadn't shown anyone what she had written on it. She said it was like wishing on a star, only the fire got to know the answer.

"Is everyone going to put in their leaf?" Erin asked, looking at us.

"Yes, pumpkin, Daddy and everyone else will put their leaves in after you and Mama Avery, okay?" I told her as she danced around.

Avery lifted her in her arms and they stepped a bit closer, squeezing their eyes closed and tossed in the leaves saying together, "As above, so as below." The two bay leaves crackled and sizzled as they burned up, their embers lifting with the wood and smoke. "Now you and Victor," Erin squealed.

Victor smiled, "I'm not sure I need to. I've already got everything I want right here." He kissed Av, then Erin's head.

"It's tradition, Daddy Victor," Erin said, making him freeze. I saw his eyes begin to water and nudged him.

"Yeah, come on, Daddy Victor, we need to make our wishes now." He looked at me and smiled as I squeezed his shoulder and whispered, "You should have seen that one coming, man. She loves you."

"Th...thank you, Luke. Between Avery, you, and Erin, I really do have the world," he said, hoarsely as we both took a deep breath and threw in our leaves.

Erin clapped, "Yay! Now Uncle North and Uncle Silas! Then Kota, Owen, and Sean can put theirs in."

"Yes ma'am," North chuckled as he kissed her cheek and stepped forward with Silas, both of them tossing in their leaves. The other three stepped forward finally, adding theirs.

"Here you go, Miss Erin," Owen said, handing her a traditional cracker that was brightly wrapped. She giggled and pulled it open, the confetti fluttering in the air as it burst open. Her chubby fingers pulled open the pink tissue paper crown and put it on.

"Thank you, Owen," she said and leaned forward. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her, then placed a kiss on her cheek.

"You are very welcome, sweetheart. Should we give Mama Avery hers?"

"Yep, Mama needs one too," she tittered as she passed the bright tube to her.

Avery kissed her cheek then Owen's, "Thank you both." The pop was loud, and just like Erin's the confetti swirled around, but Av's crown was a soft yellow that stood out against her brown hair. "Now, I think we should head inside and sip some warm cider before our fingers and toes freeze," she chuckled, tickling Erin.

Sean ran up behind her, scooping her up bridal style, "I can't let you get frostbite, my lovely professor-to-be." He spoke dramatically as he rushed her inside, making us all laugh.


Erin had fallen asleep almost before we made it inside. Avery sat on the sofa with her feet in Sean's lap as he insisted on massaging them. I laughed as she flinched constantly. I swear she was even more ticklish than Erin. When he nipped at her toe she made the most adorable squeaking sound. "Why Avery, I don't think I've ever heard that sound before," he drawled, his green eyes dancing with mischief.

"Well, Sean, I don't think I've ever had my toes nibbled on before either, so we are both having a new experience," she teased.

"Hmm, I like the sound of new experiences. Perhaps we should discuss that a bit more," he said.

Her eyes widened as she looked around the room, "Can I get some help, please? I think Sean's a bit, um..."

"Horny. I believe the word you are searching for is horny, flirtatious, forward..." North laughed.

Sean huffed, "I was going for persuasive and enticing."

I noticed Avery's eyes shift more of a golden brown color and chuckled, "Ohh, I think you're in trouble."

"Huh?" Sean said, then made his own squeaking noise when Avery leaned forward, pinning him against the cushion, and kissed him soundly. His arms wrapped around her as he pulled her into his lap, her legs straddling him. In moments, he'd taken control of the kiss as he held the nape of her neck and waist. He growled against her lips as she whimpered, her hips rolling against him. When their kiss broke he pressed their foreheads together. "Fuck, I like being in trouble."

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