Chapter 15

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Ironic how most of my life I wanted to see my name on a list - dance recitals, sports competitions, theatre tryouts, and more, but this once I was praying to all the universe that my name was not on the list. Today was the day Dr. Lee posted the cut list for the doctoral course. Students who didn't meet the required benchmarks were removed from the program and had to reapply next fall.

I felt fairly confident I'd met my requirements, but still, I had to check before I left. I wouldn't sleep a wink all break if I didn't find out now. I scanned the list hearing a mix of curses and thanks as I searched for my name.

A warm breath on my neck made me shiver, "Did you really expect to see your name, Ms. Dorman?"

I turned to meet those hypnotizing green eyes and blushed, "One can never be too sure, Dr. Lee. I may be confident, but I'm far from conceited."

He gave me a full smile and laughed, "Well said, my dear, well said." He looked around the commons and then said, "I suppose I should leave before the mob gets angry and realizes I'm among them. Not to mention I have a train to catch."

I grinned, "Me too. I'm heading home for the break."

"Good, you deserve the downtime. And don't stress over those papers. Grades aren't required until the end of January. You have plenty of time to post the results," he held out his arm to me. "May I escort you to the trains, my lady?"

I laughed at his playfulness and nodded, "Treoraigh an bealach, a dhuine uasail. (Lead the way, fine sir.)"

"Iontach (Wonderful)," he replied as we headed down the street. We boarded quickly and held out our tickets.

"Two more for Drogheda," the attendant smiled, "Ya having a cóisir?"

"Can't miss Yule, seanathair," I nodded to him as he grinned more at the moniker.

"Beannachtaí, solas beag," he said as he let us pass.

Dr Lee gave me a look, "Okay, my Irish isn't that fluent. What did I miss?"

I giggled, "He asked if we were having a party and I simply said we can't miss Yule, grandfather. It's a term of respect for your elders. In turn, he said "blessings little light" to thank me."

He smiled, "You seem to draw out the kindness in others, Ms. Dorman."

I started to reply when I heard a voice call out. "Kota, is that you?"

Dr. Lee looked up, his mouth gaping as a smile broke across his face. He grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the voice. I grinned when I saw Silas and North. Silas grabbed Dr. Lee into a bear hug as North smiled at me. "Well hey there Avery, I'm guessing we are all headed in the same direction?"

"I do believe we are, North," I said, accepting his hug. We found seats together and they began to talk when suddenly I stopped and looked at Dr. Lee. "Oh, feck, you're Luke's friend, Kota!"

He gave me an odd look, "Wait...oh man," he groaned and ran his hand through his hair a blush forming on his face, "Damn, all this time I've been trying to hit on Luke's girlfriend."

"You two didn't know who the other was?" Silas laughed, "Oh that's too damn perfect. And you, you," he said pointing at Dr. Lee, well, Kota, "You've been hitting on her...damn this is one for the books, man!"

They all laughed but I frowned. What did he mean he'd been hitting on me? I mean, yeah, the whole coffee thing, but since then I thought he'd just been a nice professor, making sure I was safe. I must have been lost in thought when I felt a hand on my forearm, "Hey, are you okay?"

I looked up and saw his green eyes filled with concern, but I was irritated and snapped, "So the only reason you were nice to me was because you wanted to date me?"

He pulled back as North and Silas just watched us curiously. "Ms. Dorman, Avery, that's not the way I meant it. I mean, yes, I really wanted to ask you out and even did that first day, but then you're my student, and well," he stammered, "then I couldn't get you out of my head. When you came in sick that day I was worried. I wanted to make sure you were safe, not take advantage of you." I looked at him skeptically, my eyes narrowed. He took a deep breath and let it out. "At the risk of these two and Luke killing me... You're the most intelligent woman I've met. Your skill and passion for your craft are beyond parallel and it pulled me in. Then add in the fact that you're beautiful as hell, well, I was a goner the day I saw you in the corridor and bumped into you just for a chance to speak to you." I made a strangled noise.

"Well this is going to be a very interesting Christmas," North snarked and I glared at him.

"No, I won't intrude. I'll greet the others then get a room in town until I can come back to Dublin. Knowing you're with Luke changes everything. He's like my brother and I wouldn't dream of interfering in your relationship," Kota said.

"Luke and Victor," I said.

All three of them said in unison, "What?"

I gave a short laugh, "I'm dating both of them. It just sort of happened. I was already with Victor when he convinced both Luke and I to admit our feelings and well, here we are. And yes, I know all about your previous poly relationship. I also know the three of you need to let Victor explain why he had to leave all those years ago."

"Yeah, Luke told us that as well," Silas replied. "I know he's already spoken to Owen and Sean, and they're coming too. I'm not sure what happened, but I'm willing to listen."

"Thank you, Silas. I know it will mean the world to him," I told him as I reached out and squeezed his hand. "Now, if you three don't mind, I need to sort some things in my own mind," I said as I pulled on headphones and opened a book I'd recently purchased. "Please let me know when we're close."

They agreed and I lost myself in my music and the book until my eyelids grew heavy and I guess I fell asleep.

Author's Notes:  Well Kota and Avery really didn't see that coming...

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