Chapter 35

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I pulled Isabella out and hailed a cab. Once inside I turned to her, "What the hell was that all about?"

She huffed, "I don't see what the big deal is, she's just some little tart. Probably a money chaser." I stared at her incredulously. Her eyes rolled, "You can't really be falling for that act, can you? Don't you see how she planned all of this, I mean, she's obviously after Gabe's money."

I held my tongue until we entered the hotel suite, then poured myself a glass of water and scoffed, "Yeah, she waited years to suddenly lure him in. You're insane, Iz. What you did was mean-spirited. If this is how you're going to act, maybe you should just head back early. These are my friends that I haven't seen in almost ten years - I'll be damned if you treat them that way or the woman they so obviously love."

Her eyes widened in anger, and then the fake tears began. " don't love me. To pick your friends over me...bastardo egoísta!" She pulled back and slapped me across the face, then froze when she realized she'd gone too far. "Nate, please, mi amor...I didn't mean to."

I straightened, "I'll stay with Gabe tonight. I'll have your flight changed in the morning, Isabelle." She made a choking noise and instantly clutched her ring. "All we do is fight. I think we should take some time apart to see if this is what we both still want."

"But...where will I go?"

"You can keep the house, I just want my stuff, if that's what we decide. I can always stay at Gabe's until I get on my feet," I told her. She gave a silent nod. She made no move to stop me when I left the suite and headed back to the gallery alone.


"You didn't kill her did you?" Gabe joked as he hugged me. "I mean, I'd have to pull a few strings, but I'm sure between me and Owen we can get you exonerated. That woman could drive anyone to murder."

I chuckled as the rest of them gave a concerned look. "I didn't kill her, but I did tell her she'd be going home tomorrow - alone." He gave me a smug look, "Yeah, fine, I'll say it. You were right."

"Ha! I fucking told you she wasn't the one," he bragged, then gave me an encouraging look, "You'll find the right one, man. Just don't force it. Better to be alone for a while than chained to a mistake for life. Now, let's party, friends - we have lots to celebrate!"

The night was filled with laughter and lots of memories. I noticed how Avery just soaked it all in, not fighting for attention, but rather enjoying listening and watching us all reconnect. She was leaning back against Sean as he told stories of his travels, her fingers wrapped around his. They all looked so relaxed and content with her. Hell, I don't even remember them acting this calm with Sang. Of course, back then we always had a mission hanging over our heads and so many damn secrets.

I stood and walked to the bar, getting another Coke when I felt a soft hand on my wrist. I turned and sucked in a breath as my gaze met her hazel eyes. Small golden flecks seemed to dance in the pale green. "I don't mean to be too forward, but are you really okay?" Her voice was soft but filled with genuine concern as she squeezed gently.

Eight men fawning all over her and here she is checking on me. My hand covered hers, "Thank you, Avery. I'm okay, really I am. Sadly, I saw this coming. We had a huge blow-up on New Year's. I'm not even sure why she suddenly decided to come with me." I blew out a breath, "I'm not sure I know what to think anymore."

"Do you love her?" Avery asked.

I started to snap at her for asking such a thing but then stopped. Did I? Did I really love Isabella or was Gabe right and I was just playing it safe rather than being alone?

"Nathan?" she said softly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that." She turned to go, but I pulled her back. She stumbled and ended up tripping, her body slamming against mine as she gave a small yelp.

I have no idea what possessed me... I kissed her.

She pulled away, her eyes a storm of confusion and then she slapped me before running away. I saw Luke and Victor take off after her, while Gabe threw his arm around my shoulder. "So that went well," he snarked.

"Fuck you, man. That's twice I've been slapped tonight," I grumbled as I rubbed my cheek. "I didn't mean to kiss her. It just kinda happened. I need to apologize. Fuck, she was just trying to make sure I was okay and I acted like a damn idiot." I ran my hand through my short hair and groaned.

"Just give them a minute to calm her down," Owen said.

"Yeah right," I scoffed. "First Iz calls her a hooker, then I treat her like one. I really know how to fuck things up."


"Av?" I called out to her as she stood near a window, hugging her arms around herself. Her quiet sobs broke my heart. "Baby, please don't cry."

She turned to look at us, her voice cracking, "Am I a whore for being with all of you? Is that what he thinks, what everyone thinks?"

I pulled her into my arms as Victor wrapped his arms around her back, "No one thinks that Avery. Nate just didn't think. If I know him, he's beating himself up right now," he told her.

I lifted her chin, then softly kissed her. I could taste the tears on her lips and whispered, "You are not a whore, Avery Celeste Dorman. You are our love, the girl of our dreams, and we fall more and more in love with you every day." She let out a soft moan as our hands began to explore the delicate lines of her dress. I pressed my lips at the swell of her breasts sucking gently as Victor began kissing her neck.

"I think we need to go back to the hotel, our love. Let us remind you how much we worship you," Victor growled as her hips began to grind against us.

She whimpered, "Yes." Victor scooped her up in his arms as we stepped back to the others. She nuzzled into his chest as I placed his jacket over her.

"We're heading back to the hotel if anyone else wants to join," I said.

Gabe tapped on his phone, "The limo will be outside in two minutes."  

Author's Notes:  Nate, Nate, Nate...silly boy.

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