Chapter 83

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We immediately returned to Ireland, not speaking a word about what Sean had discovered. Once we reached Avery's house we all gathered, waiting for her to bring the others back with her. Kota handed me a steaming mug, "How are you holding up?"

I took a long drink before answering, then laughed as I lifted the mug to him, "I see you took Gabe's advice."

"Man, if steaming hot chocolate helps you avoid the booze, then I'm all for it - slightly confused, but all for it," he chuckled.

I grinned, "Most addicts have to replace their addiction with something else. Some choose cigarettes, other drugs, sex, exercise, etc. I can't stand the smell of smoke and never had an interest in drugs. I was in a relationship so sex wasn't an issue and we all know I'm a gym junkie, so one day Gabe brings over this enormous basket loaded down with hot chocolate bombs. There must have been at least thirty of them in all sorts of flavors and designs. Funny enough, I couldn't stomach much food, but damned if those cups of hot chocolate didn't sit on my stomach."

"So you're telling me you have just as bad an addiction to chocolate now as Luke?"

"Wait, did I just hear that right?" Luke asked, popping his head in the room as they all came in through the patio doors. "Nate is hooked on chocolate? Welcome to the club, buddy!"

Laughing at his silliness, I set my cup down and went straight to Avery. I don't know how but her stomach looked even larger than it had just a few days ago. "They've grown again," I muttered, running my hand over her stomach.

Her melodic giggle made me feel warm all over, "Time passes a bit differently in Tír na nÓg." I raised my eyebrows in question as Sean called out.

"Just how different, Itoshii?" He came closer and made a grunting sound, "Damn Avery, you look like you're at least at thirty-two weeks." She blinked in surprise, her mouth moving without making a sound. "May I?" He asked her as he moved his hands closer to her stomach. She nodded yes. When he placed his hands on her stomach they glowed slightly and she hummed, her eyes fluttering. He pulled her closer, slipping his arms around her waist, "That was a rather pleasant image you had," he smirked. "However, I think you might need to wait until we've all had a chance to share what we've learned, then we need to make plans. You, my lovely wife, will deliver in less than four weeks."

"Four weeks!" Avery squealed, "But what about the gate, the risks? Oh feck, where the hell am I even going to be able to deliver them? Marith says they cannot be born in Tír na nÓg." She looked like she was going to hyperventilate as Sean squeezed her hands, his eye meeting mine.

I lifted her and sat on the couch with her in my lap. "Slow breaths, Itoshii," Sean told her, "Just listen to Nate's heartbeat."

Her ear pressed to my chest as everyone looked at her with concern. I stroked her hair. I promise to keep you safe, Cariño, I said to myself in my head as I softly kissed the top of her head.

She hummed softly, I know you will, A mhuirnín. Her eyes looked up at mine as they widened.

Did you hear me...can you hear me now? She gave me a soft smile and nodded.

Loud and clear, my wonderful husband.

"Care to let the rest of us in on the conversation?" Marc laughed.

She looked at him and winked, I don't know, can anyone else hear me?

"Holy fuck," he muttered, dropping into a chair. "How?" He looked around, "Did anyone else hear her?"

All around the room, everyone nodded in shock making her laugh softly. "Why's Mama laughing?" Erin asked.

"Mama did something silly, baby, and it made them all have funny faces, so I laughed. Now, I think you need to get your PJs on. It's been a long day," she leaned over and kissed Erin's cheek when she tried to pout. A few well-placed nose kisses and the little girl was giggling and agreeing as she scampered off to change. "So, I guess we've all learned a new trick," she grinned. "Now, who's going to start?"

I sighed, "I think we will. Sean made a rather disturbing discovery today, but we were afraid to even discuss it outside this house." All attention turned to Sean.

He cringed, "Chloe isn't human, and whatever Isabelle is carrying isn't either."

I gaped, "Wait, is Isabelle human?"

"Yes, she seems to be, but the baby she's carrying isn't, well at least not fully. It's nothing like the child Avery's carrying, and it isn't yours," he said firmly.

"So what is Chloe, then?" Owen asked.

"I think we can answer that, well, sort of," Silas piped up. "Turns out Sang's husband is a dragon and very familiar with what Chloe is. He said she's an ancient creature that wants to open the gate to let the shadows in. It has been influencing our lives for a long time through the Academy. Cliff thinks Isabelle and Olivia might have made some kind of deal with it, maybe not realizing what it really is."

"If Isabelle is carrying a non-human child, odds are she realizes now. That would explain the sudden resurfacing," Axel said. "Not all creatures take nine months to be born."

"So how do we keep all of us safe and take them down?" I asked. I immediately felt Avery's body go taut. "Cariño?" Her eyes met mine and I instantly noticed the tears forming.

"We can't," Silas frowned. "Agape has to face the thing. Some of us won't even be there when she faces the gate according to Sang."

"Marith and Fiona think she will open it in an attempt to save one of us," Gabe said. "I told her she wasn't allowed to fucking do it." That made the room erupt in argument and concern.

Avery pressed into my chest, shaking as Raven boomed, "Stop!" Everyone froze. "None of this is going to do any good. Look at her, she's terrified and all of us yelling won't help. We need to take this one step at a time."

"Sang and Cliff suggested going to the Unseelie Court when Avery is ready to give birth," Victor grimaced. "Since she's a banshee, they can't refuse her or the children."

"What about all of you?" Avery's voice was so small when she asked. "I...I don't want to do this alone."

I hugged her, "You won't. When the time is right, we will all go. I think we need to stop worrying about the blackmail. It is the least of our concerns. No matter what, we will all get through it."

"We come with you, love," Victor said, kneeling before her. "You aren't the only one with sídhe ancestry - light or dark, it doesn't matter. We are a family, and we will face this as a family." He ran his hand down her cheek and smiled.

She nodded and took both our hands, "Together."

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