Chapter 48

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**Trigger Warning: sexual violence, forced birth, murder - it's fairly dark and twisted folks**


Shane and I placed everything in the van. He was thrilled when Ma told him about our next breeder. It was that Avery girl he'd been crazy about for a couple of years now. When he found out she wasn't pregnant, he was over the moon at the idea of breeding her. I think he's hoping to train her the way I had planned for number one. Personally, I worried she might be too much for him, but either way, she'd be a good addition to the farm. We had her stockade all prepped with a new sling and fresh hay. Number three was doing well and just started the third trimester. One and two had finished their heats, but it was too early for Ma to get a good test. We'd spent most of the week inseminating the two, so I was confident they were bred.

"Come on, I don't want to be late," Shane shouted as he hopped into the driver's seat. I grunted and jumped in. I had the book bag with the "project" materials, some snacks, and three water bottles. All three had been lightly dosed to help keep her calm. We'd give her the laudanum once we had her at the farm. We didn't need her causing a scene and the date rape drugs were just enough to make the breeders compliant, but not appear drugged. This batch was high dollar. It had a hypnotic effect where the recipient stayed mostly alert and would readily agree to suggestions. We needed to make sure she left the library willingly since it was such a public location. This wasn't like some of our other pickups. Most times, we found them alone after Ma gave us their addresses and medical files. Her job at the clinic was the perfect way to acquire healthy livestock.

We parked near one of the rear entrances, then walked around the front to meet her. I spotted her messy bun amid a sea of people. She gave us a big grin and waved. That's it, little breeder, come to us.


I saw them standing by the front doors and waved, forcing a smile on my face when all I wanted to do was rip their throats out. I had an old school bag with me, knowing that I might lose all my stuff in this little adventure. From the corner of my eye, I caught Axel near the information desk as I walked into the library with Mike and Shane. They led me to the study room and I let out a sigh of relief. I was worried they might switch it at the last minute.

"So how much did you guys get done?" I asked as I dug out my portion of the work. "Where's Jennifer? She has a section too."

Shane shook his head. "I don't know. She said she was coming." He flipped his computer to show her response to his email. "Maybe she's running late?"

Mike grunted, "Might as well get started. We can catch her up later. I've got work tonight, so I can't stay too long."

I shrugged, "Oh, well okay." We started working and for a few moments, I thought we were wrong. Shane went to the vending machine and came back with three water bottles. I opened mine and took a long drink before noticing neither of them had opened theirs. "Everything okay?" I asked. They both just grinned and Mike moved to the door, locking it.

"Just fine, number four," he sneered.

I frowned, "What?" He dropped the shades and before I could react, Shane held my arms as Mike poured more of the water down my throat, forcing me to swallow. My head began to swim as the drugs took effect. I tried to calm my breathing, reminding myself that Marc and Axel were near, and Victor was watching. None of them would let these creeps harm me. We just needed to find Jennifer.

Shane stroked my hair as I began to feel dizzy, "That's it, little breeder, don't fight it. I promise we'll take good care of you. Ma says you want lots of babies, and if you're a good breeder, maybe I'll keep you for myself." My head leaned into his shoulder and I breathed heavily.

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