Chapter 78

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When she said make it real, I couldn't stop myself from picturing her in a skimpy babydoll nightie. Seeing her rounded belly and swollen breasts under the lacy fabric made her all the more enticing. "You are beautiful," I whispered to her as I imagined a large bed that suddenly appeared just behind us. I walked her backward as I removed my clothes and pulled her down on top of me. "Don't let us push you too far. Take breaks, okay?"

She nodded and whined when I began nipping at her breasts, "Okay." My hands moved to her already slick folds that were fully exposed. I pressed my thumb against her clit as I let my fingers slide inside of her. "North," she moaned, her hips moving to try and take me deeper.

Her hands pressed hard against my chest as I slid inside of her, making her moan louder. "Fuck, baby," I groaned as she began riding me. She felt tight around my cock as I pumped inside of her. The look of pure love in her eyes was intoxicating as we made love. I could hear some of the others responding, but I didn't divert my gaze from her. "Cum for me," I growled as I roughly flicked her clit. She screamed out as her juices flooded over me, and I spilled inside of her. Leaning up, our lips met. She hummed then let out a squeak when Silas put his arms around her waist. "Be good for Silas, baby," I told her as I moved from the bed.


I smiled at North as he grinned and walked away in all his naked glory. My gaze drifted around the room seeing all of them in various states of undress. When my gaze met Silas's dark eyes, I shivered. My gentle husband had a look of pure hunger that shot straight to my core. "Color?" His voice was lust-filled as he spoke.

"Green, sir," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. He kissed me roughly and then placed me on my hands and knees. A sharp slap across my bottom made me jolt, then moan as his fingers pushed inside of me.

My head fell forward as I became lost in the pleasure and pain of the spankings as he pumped his fingers in and out. When I felt a hand on my chin, I looked up, my eyes heavy with desire. I was met with Brandon's blue eyes. He lowered his head and without a word our lips met. It felt like a jolt of electricity moving through me as my lips parted. His kiss was filled with need as his fingers dug into my hair. I moaned loudly into his mouth when I felt Silas press his cock inside of me. Brandon pulled back, still holding my neck. "Damn, I like hearing those sounds, love, but I would much rather hear them while you're gagging on my cock. Will you do that for me, Avery?"

I nodded, "Yes, sir," and then opened my lips as he wiped the precum on his length over the tip of my tongue. When he pushed forward I made a humming noise and he groaned.

Silas dug his fingers into my hips, lifting me as he pushed in deep and I gasped, moaning around Brandon's cock loudly. "Oh fuck, whatever you just did, do it again. That felt amazing," Brandon moaned. His hands fisted my hair, driving himself deeper down my throat as Silas continued to pump faster. I don't know what it was about his thumbs hitting my hip bones that sent me into a frenzy, but it felt so damn good that I couldn't stop the orgasm that tore through my body. Silas shouted out my name as he stiffened and came inside of me while Brandon made a guttural noise as his cum ran down my throat.

My head fell back as warm hands embraced me. I looked up into Kota's green eyes and smiled. "Come on beautiful, let's get you a relaxing bath and something to eat and drink, then we can make you feel good again," he said quietly. I nodded and curled against him as best I could when he lifted me. I reached out and grabbed Nathan's hand as we walked down the hall, pulling him with us. Kota held me as Nathan filled the tub with warm bubble-filled water. They climbed into the heavenly water with me.

"Take a drink, Cariño." Nathan handed me a bottle of something and I sipped it, humming. It tasted like raspberries. "How are you feeling?"

"Loved," I grinned as I leaned forward and kissed him. "And horny."

He chuckled and kissed me again, "We might be able to help with that." Kota pressed against my back as Nathan pulled me onto his lap. Their hands and lips explored my body as we soaked in the water for a while longer before they got me out and dried me off. I was wrapped in a large fluffy purple towel as they carried me to the bed that still occupied my living room.

Marc handed me a bowl of soup as we all sat and ate. It was odd, but relaxing to be in a room with all of them. None of us were fully clothed, but it seemed normal somehow. Once we had finished, I stretched out on the enormous bed, letting the towel fall away. Kota's hands ran lightly over my skin as he pressed kisses to my chest. "You are so fucking beautiful," he whispered. I squealed when he bit and tugged at my nipples. I moaned loudly when Nathan's mouth covered my core. He sucked hard on my clit, making me jolt. Kota chuckled, "Look at how turned on you are, little girl. Do you want to cum, Avery?"

"Yes sir, please," I begged. Nathan slid in two fingers, curling them against my inner wall as he hit my G-spot. I began to whine as my hips snapped.

"That's it, baby, show him how good he's making you feel," Kota purred as he continued to suckle and knead my breasts. When Nathan slid in another finger I screamed, my body shaking as I clamped down on him. "Hmmm, good girl." I shivered at the tone of Kota's voice.

When Kota pulled away, Nathan kissed me, then pulled away as well. The bed dipped and my gaze met Marc's mismatched eyes. "What color, wildfire?"

"Green," I giggled.

Marc pulled me over his lap, his hand ghosting over my stomach as he smiled, "You look so beautiful, Avery." He leaned against my neck, kissing me softly then whispered, "Maybe someday, I'll see you carrying mine and Axel's babies. Would you like that?"

I hummed, nodding, "Yes, I'd like that."

Axel's deep voice spoke against my back, "Practice makes perfect, little waif. Now be a good girl for Daddy and let Marc fill that pretty pussy while I fill this tight little ass, hmm?"

Heat flooded straight to my core and I moaned and lifted myself for them, "Yes Daddy," I replied, making him growl with satisfaction. Marc lined up his cock with my already dripping core and eased me down, making my hips pivot as he pumped into me a few times before stilling so that Axel could stretch my rim, then work in gently. "Oh gods," I moaned when they began moving, finding an almost maddening rhythm.

"That's it, baby, don't hold back," Marc moaned, his teeth grazing my neck. Axel's hands gripped my hips as he set the pace for all of us.

"Gvgeyui (I love you)," Axel growled as I felt him cum. His hand circled and pinched my clit as he commanded me, "Cum for us."

I screamed as my juices flooded over Marc's cock. His grunts greeted my ears as he too reached his climax. I was panting as I fell against them. "I love you too, both of you," I said, trying to catch my breath. My words were met with kisses and soft words of affection.

"How are you feeling?" Axel asked as he slipped from me.

"Yellow, Daddy," I whimpered when Marc moved.

"Okay, you need rest and more water," he replied firmly. "No one expects you to have sex with all of us tonight. We just want to be near you, love. Your health and safety are the primary concern here."

"Thank you," I whispered as he lifted me and then I gasped when the bed vanished. "How?"

"North isn't the only one with a few tricks up his sleeve," he chuckled, then carried me to the couch where Sean held his arms out to me.

"Let's check you over, okay?" I nodded my agreement. 

Author's Notes:  I'm nearing that point where I start writing backwards.  I know the end, just not how I'm getting there...

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