Chapter 65

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We pulled up in front of an older house in the middle of fucking nowhere. None of us had spoken after Corey's outburst on the dock. The way Silas had described my dreams unnerved me. I couldn't even meet their gazes as they led me up to the house. I heard low voices and soft laughter as we came into the room, and then a small woman came barreling past and launched herself at Nate.

"Oh my stars, thank goodness you all are home," she gushed as she kissed him, then moved to Silas and kissed him repeatedly as well.

Nate chuckled, "Damn, Cariño, I like that welcome."

She gave him a cheeky smile, "Oh that isn't the only greeting I have for you my amazing husbands. Come, we have something to tell you, and then you can introduce me to your friends.

"When did you get married?" I asked Silas as we followed her into the large gathering room.

He grinned, "This morning." I stopped in my tracks, gaping at him. They were so worried that they left their brand new wife to find me on their fucking wedding night? "Yeah, we were that worried, man."


Silas laughed and clapped my back, "You asked that out loud." My cheeks flushed as I lowered my head. "Don't worry too much, Brandon. No matter how much time has passed, you're among family now."

The small woman climbed into Nate's lap and smiled, "First I want to say I'm sorry we didn't wait until you got home, but I really wanted to know." He gave her a confused look as she held out her hands and placed something in his while North did the same to Silas.

They both opened their hands and gasped, tears instantly springing to their eyes. "You're pregnant," Nate whispered, looking into her eyes. "I'm a father."

"Kota pointed out there's a four-way split on the Daddy pool," Gabe chuckled. "Seems Victor and I got busy with our girl and then the next night you and Kota did too."

"Avery has an appointment tomorrow afternoon with her local doctor," Sean added. "That will give us a better timeline, but with that close of timing, it's anyone's game, gentlemen."

"Congratulations," I said to them. "Now, not to be rude, but will someone please explain why these guys came in full panic mode and pulled me away from my job?" I looked at Silas, "You said something about a banshee, but I don't understand. Aren't banshees just a myth?"

"Silas?" the woman asked. "What is he talking about? When did you hear a banshee?"

The room went completely silent as he knelt before her. His hands softly cupped her face. "You, agape, you are the banshee. You released the souls of all those poor women after your rescue from the farm, and earlier, you demanded Corey stop his brother from getting on the boat. You said he would die if he went on the ship. Even the priestess called you "My Lady"." Nate's arms were circling her waist as she shook, silent tears streaming down her face.

"Itoshii, has anything like this ever happened to you before?" Sean asked her.

Before she spoke, Luke let out a strangled cry, "Fiona. You begged Fiona not to drive to work that day. Oh fuck, I'd forgotten until just now." His face was pale as he looked at her. "You called the house demanding to talk to her. She said you were rambling on about a bad feeling, but Fi just blew it off. You knew she was going to die and tried to stop it." His last sentence came out in a whisper, and her face paled.

"Who's Fiona," Raven asked, stealing the words from my mouth.

"My first wife," Luke choked, "and Avery's best friend. Sh...she was killed by a drunk driver two years ago."

Their wife, Avery, was trembling in Nate's arms, her head shaking, "No, no, it's not true...I'm not, I can't be."

"You can and you are, My Lady," a firm voice spoke, making everyone turn.

"Who the fuck are you?" Raven barked.

"She knows who I am," the woman stated. "Or at least she soon will." She walked toward Avery, and we all quickly attempted to put ourselves between the woman and Avery. Hell, I don't even know her, but I felt I owed it to her to protect her. The woman raised her hand and suddenly none of us could move. "I mean her no harm, gentlemen. Come to me, child."

Avery stood and moved to her as we all looked on. The woman took her hands and Avery gasped, "Wait,'re the Priestess."

Laughing, the woman said, "Not really, my dear. I'm far more than that."

"Does that mean our marriage isn't valid?" she whispered, fear in her voice.

"Your marriage is valid and blessed. I would hope that being bound to your soulmates by a goddess would outweigh a priestess," the woman laughed. She pressed two fingertips to Avery's forehead and spoke, "Lig an veil a ardú mar a fhaigheann sí a cosán arís. So as above, mar atá thíos. Lig dá draíocht fás." A soft pulse of light filled the room as Avery and the Blackbourne men all gasped with tears streaming down their cheeks.

"But why me?"

"Magic, my dear," the woman answered. "This is who you are and have always been, Avery. "Do not fear your gift. You will live a long and happy life with your husbands, but now you all also have a second purpose. Each of you will play a part in the wheel, just as your children someday will." She placed her hand on Avery's stomach and smiled. "May you be blessed with grace and strength little ones. You are under the protection of the Morrigan now and always."

The smell of fresh flowers filled the room and the woman vanished, releasing us from whatever held us.

Victor was the first to reach her, pulling her into his arms, he kissed her softly. One by one they went to her, holding her and each other.

The moment was broken when Marc asked, "Did anyone else catch the part where she said little in plural?"

Avery giggled, placing her hand on her stomach. The look on her face was pure serenity.

Author's Notes:  Lig an veil a ardú mar a fhaigheann sí a cosán arís. So as above, mar atá thíos. Lig dá draíocht fás. - Let the veil be lifted as she finds her path once again. So as above, so as below. Let their magic grow.

I never envisioned this path for the story.  I meant to keep small magical references here and there, but not deep-dive.  It wasn't until the wedding scene that the path changed.  Please let me know your thoughts.  

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