Chapter 38

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We all exchanged looks as they left the room. "Well, they aren't coming back anytime soon," Kota chuckled. "I say we break out some movies and drinks and catch up some more."

Silas handed me a fresh bottle of soda and tapped his against it. "Guess we get to be the designated pair."

"Thanks, Si. I haven't drank since I enlisted. I don't ever want to go back to being that angry idiot again."

He laughed, "Nah, no worries. You can just be a normal idiot like the rest of us." I laughed and took a drink with him. I had to admit, being the sober one watching Sean and Owen get drunk was downright hysterical, especially when Sean dared Owen to twerk.

"Where on earth did you learn to do that? Do you have a fucking stripper pole in this place?" Kota roared as he laughed so hard he fell off the couch.

"I think it's about time to get this guy to bed," Silas said as he hefted North off the couch. "Come on, Kota, you can room with us."

"Aww, you're no fun," North slurred. "I want to go find shortcake."

"I think you might want to wait until morning for that, big guy," Silas told him as he and Kota dragged him to their suite.

I started to get up, trying to find Gabe's room key when I realized it must have been in his pocket. "Shit," I muttered.

"What's wrong?" Sean asked.

"I guess Gabe took the key. I'll just slip in and try not to wake up Isabelle," I told him.

"Here," Owen muttered and a pillow hit me upside the head, followed by a blanket. "Fold out the sofa. No crazy girlfriends in that," he giggled then basically waddled down the hall like a penguin. I swear this is the craziest I've ever seen that man act.

Sean giggled, "Problem solved. Good night, Nate." Then he headed to the other door. I just shook my head and did as Owen suggested, pulling out the sleeper sofa. I turned off the lights, stripped to my boxers, and climbed under the comforter almost instantly falling asleep.


"Ouch, feck!" a soft voice hissed.

"Avery?" I muttered sitting up and flipping on the lamp. Her eyes went wide as we looked at each other. Her hair was a mess, and she only had on one of the guy's dress shirts with far too many buttons undone to hide anything. I felt every ounce of blood rush to my cock as I looked at her. She was fucking gorgeous.

She squeaked and pulled her top tighter, but that only made it climb up, showing the slightest hint of her clean-shaven pussy. "Oh my gods, Nathan, I'm sorry...I didn't know you'd be in here. Um, you haven't seen my purse have you?"

I forced myself to look around the room and away from her. "I don't remember seeing it, but then again I was a bit distracted by a twerking Owen," I laughed.

"He did what?" she gaped and sat on the edge of the bed. "Please tell me someone got a video. My life simply will not be complete without seeing that." Her giggles were adorable as her eyes positively gleamed with mischief.

"Well, Sean was filming, but he was a bit drunk as well, so I can't promise it was a great shot," I grinned. "Can I help you find something, I mean, did you need something particular from your purse?"

"Oh, well my head hurts and I had some paracetamol in there," she explained, rubbing her temples. "Maybe I'm just dehydrated."

"Don't those three know about good aftercare," I frowned.

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