Chapter 75

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It had been three weeks since she'd vanished - and she really had vanished. Not a single trace of her could be found anywhere in the world. The only thing holding Luke together was Erin. As for the rest of us, we were spiraling badly. Despite the Toma men not having fully started a relationship with her, they too were broken. We had taken to keeping watch over Nate who was struggling to stay away from alcohol. His guilt had begun eating at him more and more the longer she was gone.

"She won't do a DNA test until the kid is born," Owen growled as he flung himself onto our bed. "Oh and if things weren't suspicious before, get this, Chloe is her fucking lawyer!"

"What?" I shouted, almost cutting my damn neck as I dropped the razor from shaving. "This can't be a coincidence. How the fuck do they all even know each other?"

"I don't know, and I don't even know who to hire now that Marc can't dig around for me," he groaned. He dropped his hands from over his eyes and looked at me, then laughed, "Um, love, you might need to even that up."

I raised my eyebrows, then looked in the mirror. Apparently, when he startled me, I had taken most of my beard off. I sighed, "Guess I get to look like a youngster again."

Owen came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, "Good thing I've loved you since we were young." He nuzzled my neck, kissing me softly as his hands traveled lower. I let out a quiet moan when his hand began stroking my length through my pants. Without a word, his hand dipped inside, gripping me firmly.

"Owen," I breathed as he used his other hand to lift my chin. His steely grey eyes held me as he pumped faster.

"Don't look away," he said, then pushed his pants down, nudging my legs further apart. "Hold the counter, my love." I did as he asked, watching him all the time as he began to press deep inside of me as he continued to stroke my cock. My whole body was at his mercy as he watched me with such love and passion that I felt my heart swell. "I love you," he whispered, "Now cum for me."

I cried out as I spilled into his hand, my knuckles whitening as I gripped the counter. His sounds filled the room as he came inside of me. I sagged as he held me. "I love you, Owen."


I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try something. I couldn't handle watching us all shatter and not knowing if she was safe or not.

Old enemies have reared their heads and taken our queen. We are boxed in and cannot search for leaks in the ship. Targets include the captain, the warrior, and the prince. All others are collateral damage - even the birds.

I sent the encrypted message hoping the channel was still viable.

Search started for targets. No info for queen, but will update.

I let out a loud holler and Raven came running into the room with Brandon hot on his heels. "What's wrong?"

I grinned, "Nothing is wrong, I just called in reinforcements." I turned the screen to show them.

"Is that little bird?"

"Wait, are you telling me you reached out to Sang?" Brandon gaped, "Are you sure the Blackbornes are going to be okay with that?"

"Right now I don't care. She helped when Sean went missing, and this involves her too. Those bitches didn't just threaten us, they pulled her back in as well. Hell, I'd reach out to Phil if I thought he wasn't compromised," I retorted. "Besides, she and Cliff have more resources at their disposal."

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