Chapter 25

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I can't believe I just did that. And now, well now, I'm naked in my college advisor's arms preparing to share a bed with him. Kota set me on the bed and knelt before me. "Would you prefer to sleep alone? I can leave if this is too fast," he said gently. His green eyes pulled me in as his hands held mine. He was handsome with just a hint of dominance beneath the surface. "Avery?"

"I...I want you to stay, but can I put on a nightgown or shirt?" I stammered.

He smiled, "Of course. Whatever makes you comfortable. Is it okay if I sleep in my boxers or should I find some joggers?"

"Oh, no, that's okay. I'll just be a minute," I said as I slid past him into my closet. I grabbed a long t-shirt and a simple pair of panties and came back out to find him already in bed, with the lights off and blankets pulled back. He patted the bed and I climbed in as he pulled me against him. His arms wrapped around me as my back pressed against his chest. "Good night," I whispered.

He kissed my head and replied, "Good night, beautiful."


I stretched as the sun peeked through the window, then heard a grunt and froze. "If you keep doing that, our morning is going to get very eventful," Kota's sleep-filled voice gruffed. I could feel his very pronounced erection poking into my backside as I tried to move away, but he held me firmly. "Nope, you're not moving just yet. You're warm," he laughed.

"I thought you lived in England? Haven't you acclimated to the weather yet?" I teased.

"I'm a southern boy at heart," he chuckled and pressed a kiss to the side of my head, "Besides, who knows when I'll get a chance to wake up next to you again. Call me selfish, but I want it to last a bit longer."

I paused and sighed, "Um, Kota, just how is this going to work with us...I mean all of us. Sean's all over the world, North and Silas are in the States, Owen is in London, and you, well, you're my fecking professor!"

"Hey, look at me," he said gently as I rolled over and met his green eyes. He brushed his thumb along my cheek, "This may not be easy, but if you want it, we will make it work. Your primary focus should be on your studies. Let us handle the timing issues. We can work out times for all of us to get together, or just weekends away with one of us - or two if you prefer. As for us and school, well, I'll admit, that's going to be challenging." He glanced down and made an almost purring sound, "Now that I know how amazing you feel and taste, it will take all my willpower not to throw you over my desk and make you beg to cum." I made a small whimpering sound as my eyelids fluttered. "Mmmm, I think you like the sound of that, little girl," he cooed, then nipped at my ear. My body arched into his touch as he chuckled. "Just trust me, Avery. I will keep you safe and very satisfied." He pushed his hips gently forward and I moaned, responding to his movements.

His hands traveled between my legs and pushed my panties aside as he lowered his boxers. The head of his cock brushed against my folds just enough to tease. "Kota," I moaned, my hips moving in tandem with his strokes. "Drawer," I whimpered as he pressed forward more.

He searched my eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, please." He grinned and pulled back, half rolling over as he grabbed a condom out of the drawer and pushed his pants down fully. I slid off my panties and shirt as he watched me. I must have made a whimpering sound, because he chuckled with a wicked grin as he rolled the condom on, then pushed me back on the mattress.

"Merry Christmas, beautiful girl," he winked, then thrust inside of me. I gasped at the sudden intrusion, my fingers digging into his shoulders and legs lifting to take him fully as he began moving. His calm demeanor was so misleading. This man took complete control, dominating my every movement and making my body sing with pleasure. I muffled my cries on his shoulder. "Cum for me, little girl," he growled as he lifted my hips. I threw my head back, gasping for air as my body shook. It felt like an explosion as my juices flooded down his cock, and I couldn't stop. He continued to thrust, his mouth closing around my nipples as he pounded into me. My body felt like I was vibrating as my orgasms began to blend into one another until I lost count. It was then that I felt his body tense as he came with a guttural sound. We were both panting heavily as he kissed me, then gently pulled out to discard the condom.

He held out his hand and my robe, then wrapped me up and lifted me as he carried me to the shower. I felt a bit dazed as he gently placed me in the warm water, and then stepped in with me. "You are amazing, Avery," he mumbled as he washed my hair and body. "Thank you for trusting me, well us. I promise I'll do my best to never disappoint you."

I turned and looked to see tears in his eyes and reached out to embrace him. "How did I ever get this lucky," I whispered. "You all are so amazing...and I'm just, well me."

He cupped my face and chuckled, "You are far from just anything."


We had all gathered in the kitchen, waiting for Erin to wake up when Kota and Avery came down the stairs, hand in hand. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. "Victor," she squealed and threw her arms around my neck. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to know you had a good morning," I chuckled as her cheeks blossomed and she hid her face. I lifted her chin and kissed her nose, then told her, "Don't be embarrassed, love. We told you that all of us are okay with this. You have the right to move as fast or as slow as you want with each of us. There are no expectations, and you are in total control, Avery."

She leaned against my shoulder, whispering, "I guess it's a bit overwhelming. I keep thinking one of you is going to get jealous. I mean, I was just starting to figure out how to handle you and Luke, now..." she made a sweeping motion, "well now, there's seven of you! Not to mention the geographical challenges."

Kota stepped closer, "Hey, I told you, let us worry about that. You focus on school and letting us take care of you, beautiful." She sighed again and nodded.


The morning had been a flurry of presents and food. Erin had pouted as Luke loaded her in the car to head to his former in-laws. She was surrounded by stuffies as she called out the window, "Bye Mama! I love you!"

Avery blew her kisses, "I love you too, baby! Be good for your Daddy!" I put my coat over her shoulder as we watched them drive away.

"They'll be back in the morning, love," I told her.

"I know," she huffed. "I guess I'm just getting spoiled having both of them around so much these days. I mean, it's different this year."

"I understand completely." I ran my hand through her hair, then guided her back into the house.

Owen pressed a mug into her hand, "Here, I thought you might want to warm up."

She smelled the aromatic liquid and hummed in satisfaction. "Ohh, London fog, one of my favorites."

He smiled and nodded to me, "I may have been given a heads up." She returned the smile and linked her arm with his.  

Author's Notes:  Kota for a Christmas present...yummy...

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