Chapter 84

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Avery took small trips back and forth to Tír na nÓg to keep the trio from hell off our backs. Sang sent a bit more information here and there, but overall we were just in a holding pattern. I'd been doing video chats with Elijah and sending his grandparents money. I was hoping that once this matter was resolved I could see him, but I wasn't entirely sure.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Avery asked softly as her hand came to rest on my forearm. I turned and paused, drinking in her appearance. Her chestnut hair was in a thick braid that spilled over her shoulder, and she wore a simple maternity dress skimming just above her knees. Her face was clear of makeup, yet stunning nonetheless. My lack of response made her frown as she asked, "Brandon, are you alright?"

I blinked, coming out of my daze, and smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Yes, love, just thinking about Elijah. I've missed so much of his life already and I guess I was just lost in my thoughts."

She wrapped her arms around my stomach, hugging me tightly, "You'll be an amazing father, I just know it. I hope you'll bring him here someday."

I bent my head to look into her eyes. "I want that too, baby, but I don't want it to be for a visit. I want what the Blackbournes have, Avery. I want to marry you."

The smile on her face spread from ear to ear as she gave a light laugh, "Really?"

"Really," I grinned. "I'd fair to say the others feel exactly the same way."

"We feel the same way about what?" Axel asked as he walked into the room with a mug of coffee.

"That we want to marry our lovely banshee here," I smirked.

"Hell yes, we do!" Axel laughed. Avery giggled as he reached out and tickled her. "You know, I'm sure we could talk your friend into another handfasting. That is, if you want to?"

She let out a squeal and jumped - well as much as a heavily pregnant woman can jump - talking quickly, "Oh, could we do it before the twins are born, would the others be okay with it? I mean I know I'm not skinny now, but I would love to already be married when they're born."

"Woah, baby, take a breath," I chuckled. "I'm sure we can do a ceremony immediately. As for being skinny, Avery you are beautiful no matter what. Now, let's go find the others and tell them our plan."


"So are you okay with this?" Avery asked hesitantly as she looked at her husbands.

Victor grinned, "Oh love, we knew it was coming. You have the control and decision. No matter what, we love you and want you to be happy."

"Thank you, grá," she whispered, leaning into his chest.

"Let's do this," Raven boomed with a wide grin.

"I thought you five would never ask," Marith's exasperated voice spoke as she appeared before us. "I've been carrying this thing around for days." She held up the handfasting cord with a smirk. "Now, shall we begin?"

Twenty minutes later, Marith had the cord wrapped around all our wrists and spoke her blessing. At that precise moment, Avery let out a loud groan and grabbed her stomach. The sound of water dripping to the floor had us all going into action. Marith knelt, "You need to go to Mab. It is not safe for them to be born here. Both children are under the protection of the Unseelie Courts. Mab will help with their delivery along with Sean."

"Both?" Nate asked with a puzzled expression.

The Morrigan smirked, "You'll understand soon," then waved her hand, sending all of us to the Dark Fae courts in a blur.

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