Chapter 74

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I sat on the train staring out the window. I knew leaving was the coward's way out, but I couldn't face him. I couldn't face any of them. I'd gone through the motions that evening. Faking a smile, trying to make them all think I was holding up okay, but the truth was - I wasn't.

The plan was to have dinner as a family, and then head back home in the morning. That's when Nathan informed us he was going to speak with Isabelle again to find a time to go to a doctor with her. I'd excused myself to the restroom shortly after, only to be accosted in there by not only Isabelle but two other women, one with fake blonde hair, the other was model-thin with soft red curls and remained quiet. They told me I needed to leave my husbands, to leave immediately.

"What are you hoping for?" I demanded. "I understand you're scared and alone, but Nathan won't walk away from his children - neither of them. If you would stop fighting for one minute, you would realize we could make this work. This isn't about jealousy, it's about innocent babies."

Isabelle snorted while the blonde laughed, "Gods she really is naive, isn't she? Listen here, you're way over your head, Avery. This isn't just about that baby, this is about all of them and their pasts." She pushed a paper in my hand. "Read it, then decide if you're staying. If you leave quietly and quickly, I'll bury it. Stay and I'll bring all of them down."

My eyes skimmed over the paper, tears forming quickly, "W...why, why would you do this to them? What the hell did they ever do to you?"

"He left because of them, and for that, I'm going to make them all suffer," she snapped. "You have until tomorrow at noon to vanish, or else."

"They won't just give up you know," I tried to sound brave, but inside I was terrified.

The redhead stepped forward, "Then you better keep running because we will be watching you and them. Besides, after a while, Nate will be a father and far too busy to worry about you. I'm sure we can keep the others entertained as well." She pushed a phone into my hand. "Once you're out of the country, you can call us. Now go back and put on that fake smile again, little girl." With that, they all stepped out of the room and I sagged against the counter sobbing, trying to gather myself before returning to the table.

Sean's watchful eyes followed me as I returned. "Are you okay, Itoshii?"

I shook my head, "I think I'm a bit overwhelmed from today. I need to lay down." They all quickly roused, as I knew they would, except Nathan. He stood, but wouldn't come near me, wouldn't even meet my gaze. I felt my heart breaking even more. Maybe the women were right, maybe he'd already chosen to return to Isabelle.

I waited until I knew they were sound asleep before slipping out of the hotel. The cab driver took the address I handed him and my small bag. I swiped at the tears one final time, looking up at the windows where my heart still lay, then steeled myself for what I had to do.


I woke quickly to shouting and the sound of breaking glass. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked as I ran into the main room of the suite. Luke was on the floor sobbing, with North next to him trying to calm him down. By now, almost everyone had come into the area from the noise. Silas's tear-stained eyes met mine as he handed me a piece of paper. My hands began to shake as I looked at the page. It was filled with images from our pasts - Sean and Owen with Sang when she was underage, Luke breaking into a police station, Gabe and I making love as teens in Pam's trailer, along with several others, even some of the Toma group. But what drew my attention were the shaky words written at the bottom - Don't look for me, just forgive me, Avery

"Wh...where did this come from?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"She left it on the nightstand along with the deed to her property signed over to Erin and Luke," North said. "She's gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?" Nate asked quietly.

Gabe spun around, "Like you fucking care! Yesterday you were talking about leaving her for that fucking troll, and well now I guess you got your wish! She fucking left!"

"I...I was drunk, I didn't want her to leave," Nate stammered, swaying as if Gabe had punched him.

"I thought you said you destroyed the information your parents had?" Owen asked harshly as he grabbed the paper from my hands.

"I thought I had. I don't know where she could have gotten those from." A knot felt like it was forming in my stomach. If Avery had that information that means Olivia had it all along. "Fuck. Olivia," I groaned.

"So are you all going to sit here and just let his bitch of an ex-wife drive away your wife?" Axel asked. "Get off your sorry asses and find her!" He spun around to Nate, "And you, pull your fucking head out of your ass. Isn't it a bit odd that Isabelle shows up to Waif's graduation claiming to be pregnant with your kid and that same night Avery is giving a face full of all our pasts? I think you need to do a bit of digging into where she has been and with whom. If that's your kid, then fine, but I'm starting to have doubts of my own, man."


I stepped off the plane and messaged the only number in it. I'm gone, now leave them the fuck alone. I didn't even wait for a response before dropping the phone into the closest trash bin. I took a cab and went to the only place I could think of. I headed toward Gairloch in search of the trees. It was as if I was on autopilot.

The cabbie took my money and gave me an odd look as I got out. "Bi gu math mo bhean," (Be well my lady) he said softly as I nodded my head, trying to hide my tears.

I wandered the village, searching until I spotted a grove of trees near the windbreak. I let out a sigh as I spotted a Yew. "Thoir dhachaigh mi, mas e do thoil e (Take me home, please)," I whispered to the tree.

"Bhiodh e na urram dhomh, a' Bhean Uasal Banshee (It would be my honor, Lady Banshee)," the Ghillie Due said gently as he emerged from the tree. He held out his small hand to me and with a few sobs I took hold and felt the world vanish around us.

Author's Note:  A bit of a cliffhanger.  Nasty weather heading my way - not sure how much writing I'll accomplish if we lose power.  Negative temps and even lower windchills make for rough days and nights.  For anyone else dealing with the lovely vortex, stay warm, drink lots of hot tea or hot chocolate, and BE SAFE 

~Blessings, Eve

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