Chapter 102

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I froze in my tracks when I rounded the corner and saw Gabriel laying Luke on the soft ground next to Victor. They both looked unconscious and barely breathing. "Chaton," he purred, his eyes never looking up. "I've missed you." Tingles shot up my spine at the sound of his voice, and the mark on my neck ached. He held out his hand, his blue eyes piercing my soul. "Come."

Like a moth drawn to a flame, I moved forward until our fingers touched and he quickly pulled me into his arms. I moaned his name when his tongue dragged over his claim mark. "Gabriel." My fingers tightened in his soft hair. "Wh...what are you doing?"

"Taking what is mine, little mate," he whispered. He began to speak in a language I didn't recognize and swirls of deep black wove around the four of us. Victor and Luke's eyes flew open, turning solid black along with Gabriel's and I assumed, mine as well.

Words flowed from our lips in unison as if some ancient book had been opened. As our hands clasped, we spoke, "Our seasons are brief. But where the physical plane gives way to spirit -- love moves like breath. Love is woven in the wind. Unending. Eternal. Heart bound to heart, and soul to soul bound - This love is a home of our own - from this life to the next."

I could feel the bond between us tighten and sink into my soul. It didn't detract from the bond I had with my other husbands, but this was something different and just for the four of us. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks as the black mist fell away. Not another word was spoken as we all kissed and embraced. Soft kisses led to gentle caresses, as our bodies became tangled in one another.


"Are you sure you're ready to go back?" Corey asked her for what seemed the hundredth time.

"Yes, mo sholas. We don't belong in this world all of the time. It's okay to visit, but neither of the Fae courts are home. Besides, I want to get started on that school we talked about. I think it's about time I put all that education to good use," Avery giggled as she tapped his nose gently.

Fiona had brought the children back a few days after Gabriel's return. Surprisingly, he seemed to be adjusting to his newfound power quite well. He said that binding the four of them together helped keep him grounded. Then again, he never did explain exactly what other impacts that binding had and expertly redirected the conversation anytime someone asked.


We appeared in the garden just behind Avery's house, well, our house. Wow, that's going to take some getting used to. I saw her shoulders relax as she smiled softly, whispering to the twins as we headed inside to start the next chapter of our lives.

Author's Notes:  A very short transition chapter.  Sorry for my absence.  My daughter has been in the hospital.  We still have no answers...   Blessings, prayers, a lit candle, or whatever you do to seek peace and resolution would be appreciated on her behalf.   Be well, my lovelies.

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