Chapter 22

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I lay in my bed, looking out the window. My fingers grazed over my lips remembering how Silas's lips had felt against mine. My stomach was in knots. What was I thinking? First I'm getting all turned on by Kota, next North spills his secret feelings, and then I'm kissing Silas. This can't be normal...

"Keep frowning like that and you'll get wrinkles," Victor said softly as he sat down on the bed. Luke came to sit on the other side of me. "Talk to us, baby." They slid their hands into mine as I looked between them.

"Did you plan this all along? Did you want me to meet them to recreate what you lost with Sang?" My voice shook as I spoke.

Victor's fiery eyes held mine. "No, Avery. That thought never crossed my mind. I never thought I'd be in a poly relationship again until I realized how head over heels you two already were for each other. But if you remember, I offered to step away even then." I lowered my head, knowing he was right.

"Beautiful, we both want you to be happy. If that's with just us, then that's fine, but if you have any thoughts, doubts, or even interests, then we don't want you to hide them. We both saw the way Kota looked at you that first night. It's the same way I used to steal glances when no one was looking, and soon we both noticed the others as well," Luke said. He pushed a strand of hair away from my face, "You're like a magnet. You make us feel so complete, so loved that we can't help but fall in love with you, and the others are falling under that light as well."

"What if it doesn't work? What if we don't have chemistry and it ends up tearing everything apart?" I pulled my hands away and covered my face. "I'm so scared to lose you two...and Erin. I've been alone for so long... and now, well now I'm terrified I'm going to lose everything all over again."

I felt their arms circle me as I silently cried. Lips brushed against my skin as they pulled the covers back. Soon my blouse and pants were gone as Luke pulled me back against his chest. "Watch him, Avery," he cooed in my ear as Victor lowered himself to my core. I moaned when his tongue licked along my folds and then pressed my clit, making circles. Luke's hands kneaded my breasts, pinching at my nipples as Victor continued to lap at me. "You aren't going to lose us, beautiful. Not now, not ever if you'll have us," he whispered, then began kissing and nipping at my neck. "Now, cum." I let out a loud moan as Victor's fingers slammed into me and curled. I tried to raise my hips, but they both held me secure as he sent me over the edge again and again.


I shivered as I stepped out of the warm shower. With my robe pulled tight, I headed back to my room but bumped into Kota as I opened the door. His hand was mid-air ready to knock when our eyes met. "Uh, sorry," he said awkwardly.

"We really do have to stop meeting in this bathroom," I teased.

His eyes darkened as a smile spread across his face. "Hmm, I seem to remember your eyes looking much lower the last time we met here." My jaw dropped and he chuckled, then put his finger under my chin, pushing it up. "I'll be perfectly professional on campus, Ms. Dorman, but, well, I think you should know the real me. I meant it when I said I couldn't get you out of my head. Did you know I only needed to do one observation? I kept coming to the class just for a chance to see those mesmerizing eyes and this beautiful face." His finger ran across my jaw and cheek. "I have one week to convince you to give this a try, and I'll be damned if I waste a minute of it," he said in a low tone as he leaned closer to my face. My tongue darted out and ran over my lips as my heart pounded. Kota let out a low groan and in seconds, he'd pushed us into the small bathroom and my back was against the door as his lips crashed into mine.

I didn't hesitate this time, my hands tangling in his hair as his hand slid to open my robe. Our kiss broke and his eyes trailed my body, "Fuck, you're even more beautiful than I imagined," he groaned, then bent his head, taking my breast in his mouth as his hands continued to explore. When his palm pressed against my clit, I whined. Making a popping sound, he released my breast, "Hmm, seems someone is a bit sensitive. Did Victor and Luke make you feel good, little girl?"

"Yes," I whimpered as he pressed again. I moaned when he knelt before me, placing kisses along my stomach, and then inside my thighs. His tongue grazed over my sensitive bud and I gasped, "Sir." He hummed in satisfaction as his tongue began moving rapidly. I was already so worked up that my orgasm built quickly as my legs began to tremble. His green eyes looked up at me and I panted, "Please." His expression was pure sin as his fingers slid inside of me, pumping rapidly as I screamed, my orgasm ripping through my entire body. I was shaking as he quickly scooped me up and carried me back to my room.

I felt tears on my cheeks as he wrapped me up and I heard a voice, "Here, make sure she drinks it all."

"Open up, Avery. You're having a sub drop, baby. You need to drink," Kota said in a gentle voice. I felt the cool liquid reach my lips and swallowed greedily. "Good girl," he cooed. Once I'd finished drinking, he held me in his lap, running his fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry I pushed you too fast," he said, pressing kisses to my head. "Just relax, baby, I won't leave, I promise."

"Good," I mumbled as I snaked my arms around him and closed my eyes.

Author's Notes:  I'm so a fan of dominant Kota...(ignore me as I sit over here fanning myself...sheesh!)

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