Chapter 72

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We had rented a block of hotel rooms in Dublin for Avery's graduation. The day was sunny, but there was still a bit of a chill in the shade. "I look like a whale," Avery groaned. Despite being only twenty weeks, her stomach had blossomed. Gabe was rubbing her feet as she stretched on the small couch. "Why am I doing this?"

Owen kissed the top of her head, "Because you have worked your ass off to get here and you aren't going to let a little thing like swollen ankles keep you from getting that degree even if we have to carry you across the stage, my hope." She gave me an appreciative smile and held out her hands to me.

"Help me up, a mhuirnín," she giggled as I pulled her gently to her feet. "This is your fault you know," she teased.

"Well, I did have help, nevertheless, I'll be glad to take the blame, Cariño," I chuckled, pressing my lips to hers. "Now, let's make you a doctor." She giggled as we all made our way to the ceremony.


I could see her fidgeting on the stage as she shifted in the uncomfortable chairs, her hand on her stomach, toe-tapping, and an impatient look in her eyes.

"If that lady doesn't finish that speech soon, Fairy is going to slap her off the stage," Raven chuckled softly.

"The Russian's right. Shortcake looks like she's going to lose it in a few minutes. Should I pull a fire alarm?" North joked.

When the color drained from her face, we all became worried. Her eyes hardened as she stared at the back of the hall. I turned to follow her gaze and groaned. What the fuck was Isabelle doing here? How the hell did she even know? I had only spoken to her a couple of times after the art show in London. The first was to confirm she had arrived safely in Madrid, the second was to schedule a time for movers to collect my items. I'd never even gone back to the house. I knew we were done long before that night and I wasn't looking back. I scowled at her and shook my head. She just smirked and then turned to the side, showing a very swollen stomach.

I felt like the whole world was looking right at me. She looked further along than Avery...was she...was that my child? "Oh fuck," I muttered just as Gabe turned to see her.

"Oh shit, is she fucking pregnant?" he swore. "Oh shit, shit, fuck fuckity fuck...Nate do something!"

I snapped back at him, "Just what am I supposed to do right now? Do I deal with her or stay here and watch my wife graduate?"

Corey muttered, "My vote is the wife. The look she has is downright murderous. If you get up now, I think she might just fly off that stage and kill you both."

I looked up and saw Avery's eyes flashing almost completely green. That wasn't a good sign. I'd come to learn those hazel eyes I loved so dearly would shift with her emotions. The more green the more angry she was. When they were golden brown, she was happy. Her gaze locked on me and softened just a bit. The provost read her name and we all stood, cheering and whistling as she received her degree. Kota stepped forward and the photographer took a few photos of them as he placed the cowl around her neck and then kissed her softly. Her anger faded as she hugged him. He hadn't told her about the board giving him special permission to award her with the doctorate cowl. Soon she was walking down the aisle toward us as we all embraced her.

I was the last one she hugged and I felt her shake as she whispered, "I didn't see that wrong did I? She's pregnant."

I sighed, "It looks like she is. I haven't spoken to her yet. Do you want to come with me or not?"

She squeezed my hand, "We do this together. I love you, Nathan. Nothing will change that."

I kissed her again, breathing, "I love you too, and I have no idea what I ever did to deserve you."

Avery and I moved toward the back of the hall, hands linked, while the rest of our family followed us. "Isabelle," I said as we came to stand before her.

She looked at me, then Avery and the others with a sneer. "I knew you cheated on me that night. The proof is right there," she hissed, pointing at Avery's stomach. "You trollop, you just couldn't keep your hands off him, could you?"

I pulled Avery tighter against me, "Isabelle lower your voice. I will not have you speak to my wife that way." Her face paled when I said the word wife.

" married that tramp?" she gasped. "But what about me and our baby?" Isabelle ran her hand over her swollen stomach. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Why the fuck wait until now to tell Nate?" Gabe asked. "If you've been knocked up this entire time, why the fuck didn't you tell him?"

"I...I was hurt. I didn't know how he would react," she stammered. Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she looked at my hand still intertwined with Avery's. "It was supposed to be I can't do this alone. I don't know how to be a mother. I need you there for me, for her," she begged. "Please don't abandon us."

I felt Avery's fingers tighten and then slip from mine. I looked into her eyes questioningly. "Talk to her," she said quietly. "If...if that is your child, then she deserves a father just as much as our son does."

"What do you mean if?" Isabelle snapped, "How dare you imply that I'm trying to trick him."

Avery stepped back as Isabelled leaned forward. "That's not what I meant."

Kota came up at that moment, "Why don't we all take this elsewhere? Making a scene isn't helping anyone. Isabelle huffed, but she walked with us to the limo. "This is our hotel, you can ride with us or follow. What would you prefer?"

"I'll meet you there," she snapped and headed toward a car with tinted windows, then got into the back.

Avery kept her eyes focused out the window and no one spoke. I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how. Nothing I could say was going to make this any easier. What was I going to do?

Author's Notes:  What to do...what to do?

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