Chapter 14

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"You're never gonna believe who just called," I said as Victor helped Erin select her bath buddies. He raised his eyebrows in question. "Kota. He's teaching at Trinity this year."

"Wow," Vic said, "Ten years and no contact, and now it's like we are all finding each other again. Hey, I wonder if he knows Avery?"

I frowned, "I was so excited he called, I didn't think to ask. Then again, it's a huge university. I did invite him to Christmas. You and him need to talk."

Vic sighed, "Yeah, I know. Hell, I can't blame any of you for being mad no matter what my motives were. I still left, and that made Sang leave and the team fall apart."

"Vic, don't do that. I know it wasn't the best circumstances, but all of us needed out of the Academy. We were kids that never got to be kids." I looked at Erin as she made her toy mermaid dive into the bubbles. "I'd never have met Fiona if I'd stayed in the Academy. Nate wouldn't have joined the Army, Gabe wouldn't have gone on to art school, or Kota to Cambridge. Then there's Sean and Owen's careers. Yeah, things didn't go the way we thought they would, but that doesn't mean it ruined our lives. Look at us now. We're slowly reconnecting with everyone and have an amazing woman who we love and loves us in return."

He smiled, "Wow, and I thought it was Kota and Owen who always gave the pep talks."

I smirked and grabbed a handful of bubbles, then blew them at him while he laughed.


Luke: Hey pretty girl, how are you feeling?

Avery: Death...I feel like professor took the class today. Finals are late next week.

Luke: Do you have anything you need to do before then? Do you want one of us to come up and help?

Avery: No, I'll be okay. I'm just sleeping mostly. Cut lists will post next Friday before I leave, and I've already submitted my finals for the other classes. I'll just need to bring home some essays to grade for my TA courses. So now, tell me your news.

Luke: What news?

Avery: M'anamchara, it's almost ten. You never text this late unless you're excited about something.

Luke: Hey, I texted this late when we had to cancel our weekend.

Avery: 🙄 Because you had to wait for Erin to sleep so we could have phone sex, LMAO! Now, what is your news?

Luke: Fine 🙎 The Christmas guest list may have increased by one. Our friend Kota might show up, not a hundred percent sure yet. He's still really upset with Victor.

Avery: Well I hope he comes so they can get it sorted. I have no idea how I'm going to prep everything with getting in so late.

Luke: Oh, baby, we've got it all covered. You just have to make the colcannon and soda bread. I still can't fix those to save my life.

Avery: Are you sure?

Luke: Absolutely, baby. Now, get some rest and we will check on you tomorrow. I love you.

Avery: I love you, too Luke.

Victor: Late to the game, but cutie is asleep...five stories later 📚

Avery: LOL - such a good daddy

Luke: He's picking it up fairly quickly 😀

Victor: Thanks you two. Now, our sweet girl, rest like Luke said. I love you, Avery.

Avery: I love you, Victor. Good night you two.

"Why did you say you can't make soda bread?" Victor asked me.

I gave him a sly grin. "Because the caveman in me loves seeing her and Erin baking together in the kitchen. It reminds me of Jess and Mama when we were kids."

"Do you think she'll want to have kids someday?" he asked quietly.

I nodded, "Yeah, she's only twenty-three, man. She always talked about wanting kids, and she was just as baby crazy as Fiona when we found out she was pregnant." I sat down with my coffee, "You'd be a great father. Erin adores you and you're amazing with her."

"Thanks, I guess I just gave up on having kids or any kind of life like that for so long that now when it seems possible, I'm terrified it will fall apart," he said.

"She's not going anywhere," I said. "Avery is the most trustworthy person I've ever known."

"I know she is. I just feel like I'm going to mess something up," he said.


"So are we ready to cross the pond again?" I grinned as Silas lugged his suitcase into the taxi.

"Yeah, it will be nice to travel for a positive reason for a change," he said. I nodded. The last time we had been to Ireland was for Fiona's wake. Luke had held a funeral in the States for the family here, but her ashes were scattered in Ireland like she wanted and then they held a large traditional wake. It was so different from anything I'd ever attended. While everyone was sad, it was far more of a celebration of her life than any American funeral I'd been to. There was music, drinks, food, and hundreds of photos. Everyone shared their memories and made toasts, they sang and even danced. Then we went to the sea and Luke scattered her ashes with her parents.

In all my years, I'd always thought I was the stronger brother, but watching Luke these past few years proved otherwise. From the moment Erin was born, he had become a fierce protector, more confident and proud in his role as husband and father. I worried a lot about him when he lost Fiona. His grief almost devoured him. When he called a few months ago and said he and Avery were trying a relationship I wasn't surprised. Matter of fact, I was thrilled. She had been his rock after the accident and an amazing godmother to Erin. She was brilliant and beautiful, and Luke was damn lucky to have her.

The airport wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be and we boarded fairly quickly, then settled in for our twenty-hour flight.

Author's Notes: Hmm...that's seven out of nine so far that will all be in one place.

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