Chapter 5

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I laughed to myself as I looked down at my hands. They were covered in cuts, nicks, and bandaids from my efforts to replace part of the bathroom floor. For years I'd been so cautious, so worried about damaging my hands as they held my career. Yet now, I didn't care. It felt good to work with my hands again like I did all those years ago with my brothers. I'd even stopped shaving and had a decent shadow developing. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a light jacket over my t-shirt, I headed out the door for breakfast with Avery and her friend.

I could see the smoke from the chimney rising against the grey morning sky as I pulled into her drive. Her tiny silver car was under the old carport. I'd learned she seldom drove, instead preferring to take the train or walk. It seemed to be a fairly common trait with most of the locals except farmers who needed their trucks. I hadn't quite managed to become that acclimated yet.

I'd only managed to knock once before the door opened and she flew into my arms. "Victor! I'm so glad you're here," she exclaimed, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Mmmm, I like this, very rugged," she giggled.

"Gods, I missed you," I groaned as I gave her neck a quick kiss. "I do believe I'm addicted to you, Avery." She giggled again and I felt a tug on my jacket. Parting from her embrace I looked down to see the most beautiful little girl. She had golden hair and deep brown eyes. I instantly recognized her from Avery's photo yesterday. Kneeling, I held out my hand, "You must be Erin. I've heard lots about you and your daddy. I'm Avery's neighbor, Victor."

She looked at Avery for permission then took my hand, "It's nice to meet you, Victor. Do you want some tea?"

"I'd love some," I grinned. I followed the two of them into Avery's kitchen and sat down. I sipped my tea as Erin talked about the train ride and how she got to see a fox in the fields.

"Hey, Av, where did you put my duffel bag?" I heard a voice behind me ask. My entire body stiffened as I turned and was met with the brown eyes of a very shocked Luke Taylor. "V...Victor?" he stammered, the towel falling from his head. "How...when...oh shit, man, it's so good to see you," he moved forward as I stood and pulled me into a fierce embrace.

"Oh gods, Luke, I had no idea," I sobbed. "I...I'm so sorry...for everything."

He pulled back and put his forehead against mine, "It doesn't matter anymore. I'm just thankful you're here."

"Ahem," her soft voice drew our attention. "Care to fill me in?"

Luke and I both dried our eyes and grinned, "Sure thing, Av," he said. "Remember how I told you about my chosen family and how some things happened and we all separated? Well, Victor was part of that family. I haven't seen him in over ten years."

She looked at me, "Wait, Luke was in the group your parents were threatening?"

I nodded and Luke choked, "What?"

With a glance at his daughter, I frowned, "Maybe this is a conversation for another time." He followed my glance and simply nodded. We ate and made small talk about his life. He was still in contact with most of the group. He told me about North and Silas going into business together back in Charleston, and how Nate had joined the military. He had retired and now was engaged and living in Spain. I guess that explains the picture in Madrid with Gabriel.

"I got an email from Owen's law firm yesterday. He's living in London now. He said Sean was working for Doctors without Borders and Sang was married. What about Kota?"

"He went off to college and is a professor somewhere, but I'm not sure where. He took it hard when Sang walked away. I think he just needed to get out," Luke said. "I ended up meeting Erin's mom at school in Charleston. I wooed her with my amazing cooking skills. Ended up getting this one as a package deal," he snickered and kissed Avery on her cheek. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear about your wife," I said softly. A flash of pain crossed his face, but he quickly schooled it.

"Thanks, man. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard, but between her family here along with Avery, and my family back home, I think I'm making it." He looked at Erin who was putting jam on a scone with Avery's assistance and grinned. "She's the most important thing in my world." He stood up and took the cups to the sink, washing them quickly.

I came up beside him and washed mine as well. Avery had a very strict no dirty dishes policy, and apparently, we were both well-trained. He gave me a side glance, "Seems like you've managed to work your way into her heart. She's told me all about how you met and spending time with you."

"She's so different from anyone I've ever known," I said, looking at her.

He turned and leaned against the counter, "Yeah, she's amazing. I was a wreck after Fiona died. Av stepped in and took care of Erin so I could get my head straight. I'm not sure I would have made it without her." The look on his face was pure love.

"Why haven't you told her?" I asked.

"Told her what?" he said, looking away.

"That you're in love with her." He scoffed. "Luke, I don't want to step in the middle of something here. Tell her."

He squeezed his eyes shut and blew out a breath. "There was never a right time. At first, I thought it was just transferred feelings from my grief...then, well then, I felt like I was disrespecting Fiona's memory. Now she has you, Vic. She's crazy about you. No way I'm taking that away from either of you."

I sighed, "I'm not crazy about the idea of letting her go, but she has a right to know at least. What happens if she's loved you all this time as well and you both miss out?"

"What are you two conspiring about over here?" she asked, coming up behind us silently.

I jumped, "Shit, you scared me. You're as quiet as this guy."

Luke grinned widely and put his arms around her, "Taught her everything I know."

"Yeah right, ask Victor, I was sneaky when I was a kid," she smirked. "I used to steal his shoes. He can't walk on rocks for anything."

I gaped, "That was you? I yelled at my cousin non-stop for a week about that." She broke out in big belly laughs as I grabbed her around the waist and planted a wet, sloppy kiss on her cheek. "Brat."  

Author's Notes:  Wow...they have all changed...Luke's a father and widower...


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