Chapter 27

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Court had been brutal, but the eight tickets I held in my hand made it all worthwhile. I'd gotten us private box seats with a clear view of the stage. I'd sent a message to Gabe's manager, but I had no idea if he would get it. I neglected to mention all of us were attending, just mentioning myself and some associates. I hoped he would forgive my little white lie in the end.

I was just about to head out the door when a messenger knocked. "May I help you?" I asked him.

"I'm looking for Mr Owen Blackbourne. I have a delivery for him," the young man said.

"Well you almost missed me," I grinned and then signed for the large envelope. I tipped him well and thanked him, then poked it into my bag, anxious to get back to Victor's place. Ironic really. We had all been together for just over two weeks, but it felt so normal, and Avery, well...

I was falling hard and fast. I think we all were...even her.

It was late evening when I pulled into the driveway. I'd taken a few more days off work and would return to London when Kota headed back to Trinity. Avery would be behind him by a day. North and Silas were going to stay for a while, and Sean had taken an additional leave. He would return with me to London so that we could all attend the concert together. A soft light shimmered in the front room as I quietly entered. Avery lay on the couch, a small pillow under her head and a blanket over her.

"She wanted to wait up for you," Victor said softly behind me.

I sighed, "She's too sweet for her own good." I turned and looked at him, "Are you and Luke still doing okay with all of us and trying to make this work?"

He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder, "Owen, I had no clue I'd ever find anyone who would ever love me again. When I had to walk away from all of you, it nearly destroyed me, and it did destroy my belief that I'd ever be happy again. Avery saved me, and I think she's saving all of us. I have most of my family back and she's happier now than I've ever seen her. That's because of all of us." My cheeks flushed as he grinned broader. "Why don't you take her to your room tonight? I think she'd like that."

"Thank you," I whispered as I stepped to the small couch and lifted her up. Victor put the blanket over her as I cradled her against me and walked quietly to the bedroom.

I gently pushed the door closed with my foot, then kicked off my shoes. Laying her in the bed, she stirred slightly. "Shh, my love. Just give me a minute to get the covers back."

"Owen," she yawned and looked up at me with sleepy eyes. "I'm glad you're home," she mumbled, then nuzzled against my chest.

I felt my heart swell.

Here with her...anywhere with her was where my home was.

I laid her in the bed, quickly stripping down to my boxers and climbing in next to her. She rolled over, placing her head on my chest. My fingers wandered over her soft skin as her breathing evened out. Kissing her forehead, I let sleep take me as well.


Soft giggles greeted my ears when I woke. Her hazel eyes met mine as I caught her poking my nose. I chuckled, "And what do you think you're doing, love?"

"Um, waking you up?" Her giggles were infectious and so innocent that I couldn't help but laugh with her. I pulled her onto my chest and quickly kissed her. I knew she could feel my erection as I wrapped my arms around her. "Owen," she whimpered.

"I'm awake now," I growled playfully, "So what are you going to do about it." I found myself groaning when she leaned down and kissed me deeper this time, her hips rolling against mine. My hands moved across her back then moved to cup her ass as she ground against me. "Avery," I moaned when she began kissing along my neck and chest.

She leaned up and slid down my body stopping when she was centered between my legs and gave me a wicked grin before running her tongue along my throbbing cock. I hissed and instantly tangled my hands in her hair. She continued to lick my length, circling the tip before taking me into her mouth. Gods, she felt so amazing. I didn't even attempt to control my moans when she began pressing me deeper, her head moving up and down as my hips began to buck uncontrollably. "Oh damn, I'm close," I groaned. She hummed and pushed me down the back of her throat as I cried out her name, "Avery!" then flooded her mouth with my cum.

When my body stopped spasming, she leaned up, my cock popping out of her mouth, and smiled, "Good morning, grá."

I growled and quickly flipped her over, caging her beneath me, "Yes, a very good morning." She laughed as I began peppering her skin with kisses.

When I slid between her wet folds, she gasped, "Owen, I'm not.."

I cut her off, already knowing her worries. I knew she wasn't on birth control. "Shh, love, I won't. I just want to feel you." Her body responded beautifully as I slowly moved inside of her. She whimpered as I felt her body begin to tighten. "Cum for me, Avery." Her cries were music to my ears as she gripped my arms, her hips lifting sharply, legs shaking. I was getting close and pulled out, cumming on her stomach as I groaned in pleasure again.

"Eeeww," she chuckled.

"I think I need to start keeping condoms in here," I laughed. "Hang on, I'll grab some washcloths." I quickly stepped to the bathroom across the hall as Sean opened his door looking me up and down.

"Good morning, Owen," he smirked.

"Yes, a very good morning, Sean," I winked, then closed the door to my room as I came over and began wiping her stomach. "Be prepared for teasing from Sean," I warned her. "He, um, came out of his room as I was stepping back in."

She laughed, "Oh now he'll really be incorrigible. I get the distinct feeling I'm going to need to take a day off after he and I, um..."

I threw my head back laughing at her rosy cheeks. "Oh, Avery," I laughed and kissed her again. "I love you." I froze realizing what I'd just said.

Her eyes widened and a luminous smile spread across her face. She threw her arms around my neck. "I love you too, Owen!"

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as I embraced her. She was all I wanted.

Author's Notes:  Ahhh...Owen.

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