Chapter 54

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"Mama!" Erin squealed when the limo door opened.

Avery's face lit up instantly as she saw all of us. She scooped up Erin as tears began to pour down her face. "'re all here, oh my stars..." she cried. I pulled her next to me, kissing the top of her head as she leaned into me.

"Imagine my surprise when I found these guys just wandering the airport," Gabe smirked. "Now we just need to get Doc home."

She smiled through her tears as she stroked Erin's hair, sighing, "Home. I like the sound of that, but which one?"

"I think we should stay at your place for now. If it's too crowded, some of us can go to Vic's," I suggested.

"So beautiful, just why were you reading my cut list?" Kota asked her with a smirk.

Her cheeks flushed. "I believe I told you at the first one I'm not conceited. I know my skill level, but I'm not so vain as to assume anything - just in case."

"Well, I think you'll be pleased to know that you and the remaining cadre were chosen by the panel to have their dissertations sent for publication. The matter is out of my hands now." She gasped as he chuckled, "Congratulations, Avery." We all echoed his sentiments and discussed our plans during the short ride.

The limo stopped outside her house and Luke gently picked up a sleeping Erin, while I carried Avery in and up the stairs. "Don't go," she whispered when I started to leave. She held out her hand and scooted over on the bed. "Hold me, please."

I gave her a smile - who was I to deny her?

Climbing into the bed, I pulled her against my chest. "I missed you, shortcake," I whispered as I lifted her chin, and then pressed my lips to hers. I groaned when she shifted, putting her leg over my hip, her fingertips scratching into my scalp as the kiss deepened. I felt my erection painfully pressing against the zipper of my jeans as she began moving her hips. I leaned up on my elbow and began unbuttoning her blouse as she watched me silently. Unclipping her bra, I lowered my mouth, sucking her taut nipple into my mouth.

Her back arched and I slid my hand under her, pulling her up to me as she pushed her jeans down. With a popping noise, I let go of her nipple. Her chest was rising rapidly as she watched me hungrily. I pulled off my clothes, throwing them to the floor as I drank her in. "Fuck, you are so perfect, baby," I muttered as I began covering her soft skin with kisses. When my tongue flicked across her folds, she whined. I hummed against her as I began making circles against her clit. I was surprised when she stopped me, tugging me up to her. Raising my eyebrows in question, she just smirked at me and pushed me back on the bed, then lowered her head. With a mischievous look, she kept her eyes on me as she took my hard cock in her mouth. "Oh, fuck," I grunted, not expecting this. A choking sound escaped my throat when she took me to my balls, then began moving up and down, never once looking away. Her hands massaged my thighs and then my balls as I felt myself getting close. "Avery," I gasped, "I want to feel you." She let my cock slip from her lips as she straddled me.

I swear I saw stars when she slid down on my cock. "Oh gods," she whimpered as her hips began to roll. Her hands pressed against my chest as she rode me, saying my name like a chant. Tears rolled down her cheeks when she orgasmed, "I love you, North."

I gripped her hips as my pace increased. Her breasts bounced up and down as I groaned, feeling myself explode inside of her. She fell onto my chest, panting as I clung to her. "I love you so damn much," I breathed. I pressed kisses to her forehead, whispering, "Silas and I sold the business to his brother. We're here to stay if you'll have us, Shortcake. I don't want to be away from you anymore."

She raised her head, her wide eyes meeting mine, " you really did that for me?"

I cupped her chin, "No, baby, we did that for us...for all of us. We can't be a family if we're strung out all over the place, and I want to be a family. I want the whole thing...holidays, kids, family vacations, the good, the bad, and everything in between as long as it's with you, Avery. I know Victor already asked, but I'm asking as well. Marry me. Make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife."

Fresh tears sprang to her eyes as she nodded, "Yes...oh my stars, yes!" She kissed me, giggling as she pulled away, "Damn, you really weren't kidding when you talked about saving the best for last, were you?"

I growled and flipped her over, grinding my semi-hard cock against her. "Oh shortcake, you have no idea," then I slammed back inside of her, loving the sounds of her muffled cries as she bit down on my shoulder making me groan in pleasure.


We sat at Avery's kitchen table looking over the suggestions Gabe had drawn up. "Do you think she'll like it?" he asked nervously.

I squeezed his hand, "She'll love it," I reassured him. He'd drawn up designs for an outdoor wedding at the treeline just behind her house. It was simple, but elegant, just like our girl. The dress looked like something out of a Tolkien fantasy complete with a flower-imbued train.

"I think a late June wedding is perfect," Owen said. "It will be after graduation so she won't be so stressed."

"Do you know how many classes she will have this last term?" Nate asked Kota.

He shook his head, "Mine is the only one she's required to complete, but Trinity usually requires a minimum of six to nine credits per trimester. She may have some electives. I didn't think to ask for her schedule since she isn't my TA anymore," he chuckled.

"Were your ears burning, agape?" Silas chuckled as Avery and North came into the kitchen. I grinned when I noticed the bite marks on her neck.

"Good grief, North, you mauled her," Gabe huffed as he examined her neck before kissing her.

He laughed, "Hey, she gives as good as she gets." We all chuckled as we noticed his neck markings as well while she blushed.

Her fingertips grazed over Gabe's sketches. "These are amazing," she breathed. Picking up the one of the dress, she gasped, "Is that my wedding dress? Gabriel, it's beautiful!" She threw her arms around his neck thanking and kissing him repeatedly.

"Told you she'd love it," I smirked. He continued to kiss her as he flipped me off.

Author's Notes: go back to work tomorrow.  Updates may slow a bit and oh yeah, did I mention darkness is coming back, but a new darkness?

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