Chapter 56

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I remember hearing the driver shouting, more yelling, and then an ear-shattering explosion. I lifted my head, my ears still ringing. I knew there had to be loads of noise, but it was all muted by the shell shock. It was as if I was moving in slow motion as I looked around. Tran was waving his hand in front of my face, trying to talk to me. I shook my head and covered my ears. He quickly signed - We have to move now! I nodded and began crawling after him. My eyes briefly landed on Kara. Her body was under the jeep, her eyes looking at something only she could see now. I felt my chest constrict. She was so young, just twenty... Pushing down my grief, I kept moving until we reached the ravaged treeline, seeking cover.

Slowly the ringing began to fade as Tran and I huddled close. Two soldiers were with us, their faces covered in debris and blood. I had no idea where the others were as we silently listened to the intermittent gunfire. We had to move, but where? One of the soldiers was looking at a map. I pointed to it. He nodded and pointed to the south, signaling three clicks. I nodded, falling back on years of Academy training as we communicated using universal military signals.

Tran watched in fascination, asking me finally - You were military?

Sort of - I replied. They want us to move south just under two miles. There are some abandoned buildings to hole up in for the night.

Tran nodded and I signaled our readiness to the soldiers. Keeping as low as possible, we began moving. I noticed the arm of one of the soldiers was at an odd angle and made a mental note to check it when we were secure. We located a mostly intact building and hunkered down. The artillery fire had faded the further we had moved thankfully. I slid next to the soldier asking, "Чи можу я перевірити вашу рану?" (Can I check your wound?) He nodded and slid off his jacket, but kept his vest on.

Tran had come up next to me and hissed as we looked at the piece of shrapnel in the man's arm. I was amazed he was still conscious. I needed to get it out but had no way to sterilize the wound. I started taking inventory of what we had around us and grinned when I saw spice containers scattered on the floor. I quickly moved and sifted through them until I located thyme. Tran raised an eyebrow at me.

"It's a natural antibacterial. I can create a poultice of sorts to stave off infection and hopefully, we can find help soon," I explained as I ground the herb, adding a small amount of water from the soldier's canteen. Tran took off his belt and handed it to the soldier. "Відкусити." (Bite down) I told him. He steeled his expression and did as I asked, then watched as I blew out a breath, then removed the shrapnel. The young soldier grunted and paled as the blood began to flow. "Sorry," I muttered, forgetting to translate, as I pressed the herbal mixture into the wound, then quickly wrapped it up with my undershirt that I'd ripped apart. I nodded in satisfaction as I noticed it was only slightly bleeding now.

"Дякую," the young soldier said, thanking me. I patted his shoulder and nodded.

We slept in shifts, gathering ourselves at first daylight as we continued to make our trek south and away from the fighting. My thoughts drifted to Avery and the others as I looked at the rising sun. I had no way of knowing if they knew I was still alive, but hoped they did. "I sure could use one of those Fae folks now, sweetheart. Please, whoever's listening, let me get home to her," I prayed quietly.


Both Owen and Avery were practically catatonic. The only time I saw her smile was with Erin, and even then you could tell it was forced. We had reached out to every person we knew of, but no one had any answers. Nate had spent hours on the phone, calling old military contacts. He'd managed to verify that four people were still unaccounted for and Sean was one of them. That small sliver of hope was what we were all clinging to.

We were all surprised by a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Silas said, walking out of the room. He came back in followed by Axel and Marc.

"We came as soon as we heard," Axel said. "How can we help?"

I shook my head, "No idea. Do you guys still have any contact with Raven?"

They both looked down. "Your family didn't hold the market on imploding," Marc said. "We haven't seen the others for years. I don't know where they are or if they're still with the Academy at all." He sighed, "I walked away first, and this fool followed after me."

Axel gave him a sour look, "Like I was going to let you run off half-cocked. He went on a one-man mission trying to infiltrate a damn gang. Phil told us we were fired if we did it, but when it's family, you don't care."

"Family?" Kota asked, "But I thought you said your family broke up?"

Marc shook his head, "I have a half-sister. She was only a toddler when I left. The Academy had been working on some human trafficking cases and her name popped up. They wouldn't let me help, then they fucking lost her again. I was furious and walked."

"Did you find her," Avery's soft voice came from the doorway. Her eyes were swollen from crying and had dark circles under them.

Marc stood and walked to her, taking her hands, "I did wildfire. It took us four years, but I never lost hope of finding her and in the end, I did. She's back in the States now, working and getting therapy regularly." He hugged her tightly. "You have to keep knowing he's alive, Avery. Sean's wildly in love with you and no force in this world will keep him away from you."

Avery clung to him for a few moments longer, "Thank you." He slid his hand into hers and led her to the table.

"I know we can't do much, but how about I fix you some lunch?" Marc offered.

She smiled and North stood up, "Come on, it'll be like the old days at the diner." She watched as they began pulling out pans and ingredients.

"So you worked for Uncle too?" she asked him.

"Yeah, it was an Academy hang-out so most of us took a shift here or there. Turned out I was a fairly decent cook," Marc grinned.

"Fairly decent my ass," Axel snorted, "Between those two you'd never go hungry," he motioned to Marc and North. "Then add in Luke's baking skills and damn..."

Avery giggled, "Yeah, well you didn't see the winter wonderland that was my kitchen when they all tried to make Christmas cookies. It was like a scene out of Scarface."

Ax laughed, "You're not even old enough to remember that movie."

She huffed, "Okay boomer." He gaped as she began laughing. It was the most beautiful sound I'd heard in days. 

Author's Notes:  I'll be gone a couple of days.  Back to work and already I have a dang conference.  I hope this tides you over.

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