Chapter 30

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I stood waiting for the train like a kid waiting to see Santa. When I saw her messy bun and smiling face I sighed, a smile taking over my own face as I held out my hand to take her bags. She looked around cautiously then threw her arms around my neck, "I missed you."

I gave her a one-arm hug and chuckled, "It's not even been two days, love."

She let go and pouted, "What can I say, I'm becoming a very needy woman."

I raised my eyebrow, "Hmmm, perhaps I'll have to take care of that need, Ms. Dorman."

Her cheeks flushed, and she replied, "Perhaps you will, Dr. Lee."


The first week was a flurry of grades, assignments, and meetings. We stole kisses away from prying eyes. This was far harder than I'd imagined. She was taking another section of my ethics course for her TA duties and had already started on her second benchmark for her doctoral thesis. Her brilliance still amazed me, and now, knowing how hard she'd worked, I was even more amazed. Her soft knock on my office door made me raise my eyes. "Ms. Dorman, come on in," I said as she entered and closed the door. Crossing to her, I pulled her against me, our lips crashing together, "Fuck, I've missed you," I whispered, my hands traveling down her body. I walked her back until she was against my desk.

"Kota," she gasped when my fingers trailed over her damp panties.

"Are you needy, little girl," I growled as I began making circles over her clit.

"Yes...Yes, sir," Avery panted. I didn't hesitate and unbuckled my pants, letting them fall as I pulled her panties aside. In a single motion, I was deep inside her warmth. I groaned as I began fucking her hard. I leaned her back on the desk, lifting her leg around my waist as I pressed deeper inside of her. We hadn't made love since Christmas morning, although I know she'd been with some of the others since then. "Sir," she whined, making me growl. I loved how submissive she became with me, knowing what it did to me hearing her call me sir during sex. Someday, I'd love to try more roleplay with her, but for now, well, for now, I wanted to see her come undone.

"Cum for me, my needy little girl." Her body instantly responded to my command, her hand in her mouth to keep from screaming as she shook. I was about to lose my control and quickly pulled out of her, then pulling her from my desk, I pushed her onto her knees. "Open for sir." Her lips parted wide and I gave her everything. Her slight gagging sounds as I thrust in and out of her mouth drove me crazy. I gripped her hair and growled, "Be a good girl and swallow it all." I saw her eyelids flutter as I began to cum down her throat. She obeyed, swallowing greedily as I still gripped her hair tightly. When I pulled out, I helped her stand, then ran my thumb across her bottom lip, wiping a bit of my fluid from her lips. She darted her tongue out and instantly sucked my thumb. "That's my good girl," I hummed. She smiled and leaned against my chest for a few moments, sighing contentedly.

We both dressed and cleaned ourselves in the small wash closet before I finally asked, "So what did you come to see me about?"

Avery laughed, "Well, not that the sex wasn't amazing, but I actually came to let you know North and Silas are coming up this weekend. They'll be leaving shortly after the art showing so this is the last I'll get to see them for a bit other than the show."

"Are they staying at your place?" I asked. I remember how small the flat was, especially the bed.

Shaking her head, "No, they're getting a hotel. I, um, thought you might want to see them as well. Since they won't be at my place, it wouldn't be as risky."

I spread my hands, motioning around the office, "What, you mean as risky as this?" Her cheeks flushed again. "You, my little girl, are very dangerous. So innocent, yet such a temptress at the same time. I want nothing more than to shout to the world that you are mine and show you off, but alas, I must keep that just between us until you graduate this spring." I took her hands in mine, kissing each one. "Make no mistake, Avery, when you are no longer a student, I won't hide anymore. Hell, I even want to introduce you to my mom and sister. This isn't just a fling for me, I hope you know that."

"I do, I mean, I know that," she flustered. "This isn't a fling for me either. Um, to be honest, I'm not experienced with this kind of thing. Victor was only the second man I'd ever been with."

My eyes widened, "Wait, so that makes me..."

She held up four fingers. "Yep, number four, and Owen was number five."

"I'm honored," I told her and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

She let out a small giggle, "With all of you, I look like I'm racking up a body count fairly quickly." When she started full-blown laughing, I couldn't stop myself from laughing along with her.  

Author's Note:  I knew from the minute I decided to make Kota a professor that they would have sex at the uni...I was just torn between his office or the classroom.  Did I make the right choice?

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