Chapter 4

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We'd spent almost every day together, often staying at each other's places. I was enthralled with her mind and quick wit. She made sure to introduce me around the entire countryside it seemed. Of course, it was odd to be more recognizable for being the grandson of Caoimhe Morgan than a world-renowned concert pianist. Everywhere we went, they all seemed to know her. Around these parts, she had been the famous one.

Avery had called this morning to tell me her friend and his daughter had arrived. They were spending the day in the city and I'd meet them tomorrow at her house for dinner. While I was looking forward to meeting them, it just meant it was that much closer to her leaving for Dublin. She had a small flat in the city and we agreed I would come up for weekends as her schedule allowed. This was her final year and she had gotten a TA position that would keep her busy in addition to her normal courses.

Sipping a cup of tea, I sat down in front of my computer and skimmed the news. I sucked in a sharp breath when I saw his picture. The caption read, "Renown artist, Gabriel Coleman, accompanied by guests at Madrid gallery opening." He looked handsome in his tuxedo, a bright orange tie contrasting with the black. I almost didn't recognize Nate standing next to him, a gorgeous brunette on his arm. He and Gabe were shaking hands, wide smiles on their faces in the photo. The woman looked positively bored. I traced my finger across the screen, heart aching, then I wiped at the tears that had escaped and quickly pulled up my financials. Taking a deep breath, I tried to shake it off. I couldn't change the past. I'd made my choices and they were all better off without me.

I spent most of the afternoon sifting through documents and bank statements that my attorney needed me to sign off on to transfer them to her. The only demand I'd made in the divorce was she had to give up my last name. I didn't need her riding my family name forever. Of course, she'd fought at first, but when I agreed to give her everything, she suddenly had a change of heart.

An unexpected email caught my eye - Blackbourne and Associates. I opened it and skimmed the email.

Mr. Morgan:

This notice is to inform you that your former assets from the Blackbourne team estate have been petitioned in a divorce proceeding. We have been unable to reach you for a response. Should you receive this notification, please reply with how we are to proceed with your holdings in this matter.


S. Craig, Esquire - Blackbourne & Associates

I blinked in confusion. Assets, what assets? I posted a short reply.

S. Craig, Esquire:

I was unaware of any assets I had with this estate. Can you please send an itemized accounting of items and value to this email? As for divorce proceedings, those have been finalized. No action should be taken at this time in response to that.


V. Morgan

I included a postscript with my attorney's information and current mailing address.

At some point, I'd need to start working again. My small nest egg wouldn't last forever and this house needed some repairs. Long gone were the days of those black limitless credit cards Sang always complained about and Gabe burnt holes through, I laughed to myself. I'm sure he has a few of those himself now.

I surfed the net for remote jobs that I could easily do. I didn't need to make much, just enough to support me and the house. After I'd put in a couple dozen applications I heard the ping of an incoming email. Noticing it was another from Blackbourne and Associates, I immediately opened it. Much to my shock, this one was from Owen himself.


My intern notified me of your response and I wanted to take this moment to contact you myself. During your time on our team, I made investments for each of us. Those have since matured into a healthy portfolio. I've attached an outline of the specs. Should you wish to withdraw, just let me know. You are also welcome to leave it intact and let it continue to flourish.

On a more personal note: Over the years, I often wondered what caused your abrupt departure. You know me, I can't turn down a good mystery so I began digging. While I wish you could have told us yourself, I now understand what happened, or at least some of it. I appreciate the sacrifice you made for your family - for us.

Sadly, our family fractured after you left. Sang did join when she turned sixteen and using her GB status, she vanished. Sean began working for Doctors without Borders. He ran into her about seven years ago in Tokyo. He said she looks well and is happy with her work and has married. They are a couples team.

As you can tell, I decided to pursue law school. I was briefly engaged and ended up in London. Despite the failed relationship, my practice is soaring. Sadly, I've fallen out of touch with most of the others.

I'd like to get together sometime. It would be nice to catch up.

Best wishes,


I stared at the blurry screen as tears streamed. He didn't hate me. My fingers were shaking as I typed my response.


I'm so thankful for your response. I'm even more thankful for your understanding. I've lived for so many years hating myself for leaving, but feeling like I had no choice. I couldn't let my parents hurt any of you like that. I made my choice and lived with it. As I'm sure you know already from my reply to your intern, my marriage has ended. Once my parents died and I secured all 'evidence' they had held, I filed. Of course, I gave her everything just to get out.

I'm currently living in my grandmother's old family home in Drogheda, Ireland. What I wouldn't give for some of Silas and North's home repair know-how...

I too would like to get together in the near future. My schedule is wide open, so let me know when you might be available.



I sat back and clicked the send button, praying I could find a way to apologize and reconnect with all of them eventually. My phone pinged and I opened the message from Avery. It was a photo of her with a little girl with the deepest brown eyes. They were smiling and blowing kisses at the camera. I clicked the love icon and she quickly messaged back.

Avery: I miss you! Can't wait to see you tomorrow. We are getting on the train now.

Victor: I miss you too! Be safe and enjoy. I love you!

Avery: I love you too! Remember, tea and breakfast at nine.

Victor: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I smiled as I stared at the picture, then shutting everything down, groaning as I worked up the courage to start working on the spare bathroom floor.

Author's Notes:  Hmmm....Owen...

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