CH-17 Min Yoongi and his true love

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The pain I was in its almost unbearable I am helplessly laying in the middle of bed naked and taking my punishment, my behind is totally numb and I don't know if I will be able to sit for a week or not . The blindfold around my eyes are totally wet from my tears and I am a crying and moaning mess both other side O feel pain but on the other side My insides are deeply clenched darkly and I am feeling needy .

I can feel his intense breathing on my lips , he is hovering on top of me as for now he keep his one hand on my stomach crasseing it while other is crasseing my cheek softly and making me calm a little after a painful whipping and getting tortured with the vibrator which is on highest level literally shattered me into pieces but Jimin didn't let my sanity go away , he asked me everything and I told him about how my dad contacted me , I don't know what he is beem thinking after hearing everything but the part of me is actually relaxed that he knows everything now and I will gladly took any punishment he will give me because I know I hurt him and I deserve this , he took out all his frustration and anger on me and I am ready to take it .

I feel his lips touching my just inches away from mine and the urge to kiss him is so bad but I couldn't move because he is holding me down with his body .

Jimin- Shall I ask you something?

His voice is soft , calm and like a wishper but enough for me to hear .

Suhani-Yes ....

He take off my blindfold as I adjust to light before looking at him and just as I imagined Our face are just Inches away from eachother. His dark icy blue eyes are not dark anymore but something else is sparkling in them .

Jimin- If you got a choice to choose between me or your dad who will you choose?

I look into his eyes as I don't know why he asked this question but it didn't surprise me even a little I gulped mu throat is dry and its burning maybe later on I can have ton of water getting back to his question I didn't even have to think of my answer but before answering I question him in return.

Suhani- Who do you think I will choose ?

Jimin- If I knew I wouldn't ask you .

His insecurity is back and I can see it in his eyes.

Suhani-Are you telling me to choose between you and him ?

Jimin- Can you do it than?

Suhani- I told you are not an option for me , you don't get to compare yourself with anyone but still if you want to hear my answer than it's you who I will choose in million of lifetimes, over and over, again and again.

Jimin- Why not your dad?

Suhani- isn't my answer enough to tell you that I Will pick you over almighty god also .

Jimin- If you choose me than you know what will happen to him right?

He said taking off my nipple clamps but he took them carefully he didn't pinch them like it is used to be pinched he throw them away he is being soft with me now and I wonder what he thinks about me now that he is not hurting me anymore.

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