CH-25 Jimin's Breaking point

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Jake walked into the office of leader of indigo gang he look at the men sitting comfortably on the boss chair with earpods in his ears and he is laughing he is watching a korean drama called My demon .

Jake- I have a news .

Jake called for him but he is too busy in laughing and in his kdrama .


He yelled finally taking the men's attention as he look up from his ipad and he take off his earpods.

?- You called me Linton?

Jake rolled his eyes already being done with him .

Jake-Yes so can you listen to me and stop watching those kdrama.

?- Oh it was so funny you should watch this This demon is way too funny I re-

Jake-I don't want to hear the story line I am here to tell you a news.

?- Oh what news?

Jake-I tried to contact my daughter but seems she blocked my number there's not a single way for me to reach to her .

?- Oh so is it a problem?

Jake-Ofcourse it is don't want us to start our work , we have to kill that Park Jimin soon I want him dead before he reach us .

The men smile face and replaced with a vicious smile.

?- Than why don't we do one thing?

Jake-What ?

?- You fly back to England and do everything in your power to gain your family trust back .

Jake-It will take alot of time .

?- Oh Linton you know I have anything but time do it , I will wait two months, six months, one year or how many years you want to gain your families trust back specially your daughters and than you contact me untill than I will see my kdramas and you do your work .

Jake-What's really going in your mind Lorenzo Migario?

Finally jake took the name of a men and he smriked hearing his name the son of Lorenzo Migario.

Lorenzo- I will be the destroyer of Park Jimin's world I have gone throughout him on internet and I have learn very intresting things about him he is wat to rich and he got everything a men wants in his life money , name , fame , beautiful wife and ofcourse not to forget my favourite Power .

Jake-Don't forget he is also a lord of underground world before doing anything just remember one thing he hold more power than us . Untill Kace is alive there's that fear in everyone's heart in underground world but after he died people Stop getting scared of us you father is a great leader and no matter what you and me can never earn that place of his even tho you took over the gang or I took over it . The majority is still on jimin's side on his one order we will crushed.

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