CH-58 Eden and Evelyn

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The next day I am standing against the ship railing with Jennie we both are having a morning drinks she is having her coffee while I am having Ginger tea well its quite a change with my food intakes usually I am always a black coffee lover but taking caffeine in the pregnancy is actually not good .

So I am avoiding it no matter how much I love having coffee I can't have anything I want need to cautious with mine and my baby healths besides being a doctor too I know that upcoming months just get more hard for me there will be lot of changes.

Just as Dr Suzan also told me that I need to be extra careful with myself during the pregnancy my body is weak but if I be cautious than everything will be great so I will just make sure that I will be way more than extra careful also .

Dr Suzan first suggested me to start with green tea in morning but the smell of that is enough to make me nauseas and I instantly knew that green tea is not for me so I started taking Ginger tea .

Jennie-And like that Jhope and Me get out of that situation.

I look at her as she finally stopped talking she is telling the story of her in laws where her and Jhope went on dinner and surely my mind just  not focused on her but still I can't tell her that so I nooded sipping on my tea.

Suhani- Well atleast you guys are out of the mess I can understand that sometimes lady Metcalf can be little dramatic.

Jennie- Now you know jhope just get this dramatic ass from her only .

I chuckled as she also followed me we both look at water as ship is ripping through sea waves making blue water look more beautiful.

Jennie-Last night was fun we all missed you in games..

Suhani- I am tired.

Jennie-Or you are avoiding us on purpose?

Suhani-What ? Why would I do that ?

Jennie-Come on suhani its crystal clear you and jimin are not being in good terms everyone now knew that you guys are fighting way too much .

I just look at her surely don't know what to say because all this is just a act but I think it's looking way too real .

Suhani- I am tired honestly Jennie besides about me and jimin I really don't want to talk about it so can we just not .

I said because knowing that this is the only last option left for now . She seems to understand me as she smile giving me a side hug as we both watched the blue ocean .

Jennie-I just want you to be happy and enjoy the trip no matter what.

Suhani- I am happy believe me it's all fine.

She nooded as we enjoyed our time before kate came to inform us that everyone is calling us so we also joined others .

She nooded as we enjoyed our time before kate came to inform us that everyone is calling us so we also joined others

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