CH-160 Broken Souls

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I look at the apartment infront of me standing with hands on my waist I watched the the apartment which I had buyed on rent for now as I turn to look at brookrer

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I look at the apartment infront of me standing with hands on my waist I watched the the apartment which I had buyed on rent for now as I turn to look at brookrer.

Men- Here are your keys of the apartment Dr Park.

Suhani- Um thanks and please just call me suhani and here this is the half payment for now .

I said taking out a bundle of cash from my purse the money which I had taken out from my saving out its not much , because whatever the money I always had it goes in jimin and mine joint account this account of mine is actually old and it only had forty five thousand dollars .

Suhani- At this moment I can only gave you this much but just give me few weeks and than I will return your full money.

Men- Miss Suhani you don't have to worry about money, you are the one who helped my daughter to get her in your medical University when I don't have enough So I owe this much to you , I will wait take your time as much as you want .

I nooded smiling at the men yes there was a time when I had helped this men who came to me with the request of his daughter to get her admission in medical University because he doesn't had enough money he is just a small merchant and work as a property brookrer todays .

But today he helped me as I just feel grateful to him because today he helped me .

Suhani- Thanks alot for you help I will try my best to give the remaining money after some time.

Men- Okay Dr Suhani .

He bowed to me and walked away as Arif who is also standing beside me look at the men walking away I take a deep breath looking at Arif.

Suhani- I um will start living here now .

Arif- Are you going to be comforted here ? I mean are you going to be okay?

Suhani- Ofcourse I am going to be fine I just need to do little settlements here and I will fine .

Arif- I will help you than tell me whatever you need .

Suhani- Um Fine let me get inside first.

I said to him knowing Arif is not going to leave my side even tho I have told him so many times to just leave me and I will manage it alone . As I walked to the door and opened the lock with the keys and walked inside my new home from now on .

 As I walked to the door and opened the lock with the keys and walked inside my new home from now on

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