CH-47 Thread of Relationships

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The next day I am supposed to go on work but instead of going on work here I am in my home , well it's all because of my husband who really told me to stay at home because he thinks that my health is not in such a good condition

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The next day I am supposed to go on work but instead of going on work here I am in my home , well it's all because of my husband who really told me to stay at home because he thinks that my health is not in such a good condition .

"But can you even blame him about this afterall this morning also you barely had an any energy and also you feel dizziness this morning"

My inner voice said speak spitting the truth ofcourse this morning also I am not in such a good condition and that's why Jimin asked to stay at home and work from here but no matter what how much even I want to stay at home or take rest I can't do because there's always one or two emergencies at hospital which requires me there ....

So after handling two emergencies which took me few hours I return back home few minutes ago only besides Arif also told jimin that I went to hospital ofcourse he is not angry but still he told me to just rest . I know that work is very important and if I talk about my field in which I work its really a hectic work but my husband doesn't understand this thing all he thinks about me that I don't mess it up with my health.

Well I can totally understand him after all if I get sick he literally don't even sit calmly he keeps making sure that I was okay , which actually tells me that how much he adores me but I also doesn't understand till today what's the obsession of him and my health , the food I eat , he always make sure I finish the whole meal and do it on time like I never really get it why he is so conscience about this but what can I do we have been together for more than 5 years now but never ever I thought of asking this too him like I am more busy in doing things which he wants me do , what makes him happy and for sure me finishing my full food really makes him happy that he even praises me for that .

Still after coming back home I am working on laptop while having a cold coffee which luna made for me , I am doing an online shopping for my mother well yes the hell is froze over for sure right now because my mother asked me to do a shopping for her for an upcoming event which her and her so called husband is going to held well actually more like its a surprise event .

So this morning I finally decided to talk with my mother and she told me about the surprise event which is going to be held in 2 days and not having enough time she asked me to do a shopping for her which is actually such a surprise because as much as I know my mother her and my choices are never similar like if I am the fire than she is a ocean which are never going to get together just like that both of ours dressing sense are also so different but than she really asked me to do it for her and being a good daughter as always here I am finding her some royal calibre outfit to wear in the event .

I really had no idea what this event is really about or what going to be happen in this , what surprise my sweet mother is planning to give us now but I surely awaits for it and talking about event the preparations already begun I know its kind of very odd to say "The Preparations" but what can I do that's exactly what's really going on like the whole linton mansion is getting decorated , there are so many things going for this event.

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