CXXVII) Legacies.

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"I look at you now, and I want this forever, I might not deserve it, but there's nothing better. Don't know how I ever did it all without you. My heart is about to,  about to, jump out of my chest."


They made their way to the Griffindor common room, where people gathered around, celebrating.

When the couple walked in, hand in hand, everyone quieted down, watching them.

"Gods, it's like watching an addict relapse!" Magnus yelled out, shocking everyone.

Annabeth let go of Percy, running over to hug him.

"Where have you been?" She asked, as he smiled at her sheepishly.

"It's a long story," he said, "That I swear I will tell you all about." He added quickly.

"Good to see you, man," Percy said.

Everyone had gone back to their own business after that, not so focused on him and Annabeth, much to their relief.

"You too," Magnus said.

"When'd you even get here?" Percy asked.

"Seriously?" He asked. "Who do you think helped behead Medusa?"

Percy looked at him sheepishly. "You?"

"Wrong!" Magnus said, nodding to someone behind him, "He did."

Percy turned around and looked at it, bewildered.

"My name is Jack," he said proudly.

That shouldn't have surprised Percy at this point. (Point.. get it?)

The sword flew over towards Annabeth, "And who's this lovely lady?"

"My cousin," Magnus frowned. "How can you even see?"

"I can see her aura," he said. "A very beautiful one at that."

Percy frowned at the sword, wrapping an arm around her waist. "I think she's taken."

Jack made an incoherent sound. "It's like all the pretty girls and swords are taken," he said, coming back to Magnus' side. "I'm already almost a thousand years old, I need to settle down soon!"

"Relax," Magnus said. "As long as you don't rust, you'll be fine."

"I already have been rusted!" He said. "It's miraculous that you came along, but your fighting does suck, I'll be lucky to have you for another year, and who knows when my next owner will come and retrieve me from another stinking river?"

"Have a little faith in me," Magnus said.

"I can't!" Jack said dramatically. "You can't even hold me properly! Do you know how uncomfortable it is to have someone's thumb constantly jabbing you in the gut?"

The two kept their quarrel up as Percy looked down at Annabeth, who hadn't moved away from him, which he took as a good sign.

The others joined them soon after, looking rather happy.

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