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"I hope you can hear this, 'cause it's your fave that I miss, your lips I wanna kiss. Nobody, nobody, nobody compares to you."


He had no idea what to do.

Everything felt odd to him, even if he'd experienced it more than a few times already.

He wanted to give up.

Percy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

He was getting weaker as time went on.

He was still bleeding at the neck, feeling dizzy.

He made his way outside, the sunlight blinding him.

He knew that Luke wasn't invincible, which was good.

He felt hollow.

Seeing so many of his friends die over and over again had really started taking a toll on him, and though, normally, it would motivate him to find a solution, he felt weak against the higher power that Luke held.

Voldemort came along, just like before, and said what he was meant to but Percy paid him no mind.

When Luke revealed himself, Percy just stared at him blankly, too numb to do anything.

Luke, sensing something different within Percy, eyed him carefully.

"Why're you doing this?" He asked, his voice hoarse. "You had everything."

"That's what you think?" Luke asked. "Sure, I was good at acting, but that meant nothing. You of all people, Percy, should know that."

Percy knew what he was saying was true. Appearances could be incredibly deceiving.

The happiest people, are always the ones that suffer the most, but they do it quietly, too afraid to show their vulnerability.

"You're being selfish," he said. "You don't know how many people you're hurting."

Luke laughed humorlessly, "And what have you been doing all this time?"

Percy frowned to himself. He had been pushing people away, and though he wasn't proud of it, he couldn't stop.

Especially the Griffindors.

"They're your friends too, are they not?" He asked.

Percy looked him in the eye. "No one's perfect."

"Exactly," Luke smirked. "But up to some point," he circled Percy, "The line between good and evil gets blurry, right?"

"What're you trying to say?"

"You exactly what I'm trying to say," he said. "You're evil, you just don't accept it."

"I don't.." kill. But that wasn't true. He had killed people not long ago. Sure, they were death eaters, but they still had family, wives, husbands, maybe even children, and he had taken them away from them.

"See?" Luke said. "You're questioning yourself. We grew up at a really age, Percy, our childhood taken away from us. And you still defend them."

"What am I supposed to do then? I was pulled into this!"

"You think I wasn't?" His smile looked pained. "The day Hermes said.. I was no son of his was the day Luke Castellan died." He pointed at the long scar that ran down his face. "The dragon wasn't the only one that scarred me."

Percy stared into his blue eyes that had once glimmered with light, but now, it was all gone.

"All I've ever wanted was to feel appreciated," he said. "What have the gods done to appreciate you?" He smiled slightly. "Nothing. And you know the worst part? On other earths, it's worse."

The Chosen One (Earth 7)Where stories live. Discover now