Loving family

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I roll over in bed pulling on the covers to cover my naked body, and feel Brad pull me closer to him. After last night I'm surprised we're even up this early.

"Good morning," he leans over to kiss me "When are they getting home?" The kids are all with his parents.

"Let's not think about that." I kiss him back.

He rolls over so he's on top of me and starts kissing me passionately. I feel him start pulling the covers off of me. His hands slide down my body and he starts to tease me.

"No," I breath heavily under him. I need him for real. He sucks on the soft spot of my neck leaving a mark, and I start to stroke his huge bulge. He groans and stops teasing me.

Our hips thrust together as we move in sync. He kisses me all over leaving a trail down my body. The hotness of his breath makes me go crazy. I need him right now.

"Condom" I remind him as he's about to enter me. He gets situated and leans over me thrusting fast. I moan loudly as he gets faster. With each thrust I fill with more and more pleasure.

My moaning eggs him on making him go faster and deeper than before. I never want this to end. With a hand on either side of me he leans down kissing me passionately as we both climax at the same time.

"That," he pants "Was really good." I lean over to kiss him, and lay on his chest "I love you." He plays with my hair until we both fall asleep.

A car pulls up the driveway and Brad and I both jump out of bed. We have to get dressed. We throw on our pajamas and run downstairs so nobody suspects anything, and just as we reach the kitchen the kids are running in the door. Brad's parents are following with their bags.

"Hey, buddy!" I pick up Josh who runs right up to me "Did you have fun with grandma and grandpa?"

"Yeah!" He exclaims. I've never seen him this happy when he isn't looking for me. I put him down and he runs into the living room to play with the girls leaving us with Brad's parents.

"How were they?"

"They were good, Aly and Josh didn't want to sleep though." Jane hands us their stuff "They slept with us all weekend while Cat slept in her room." Seems about right. We talk for a little longer before they decide to leave. The kids are all quiet so we decide we better join them before they destroy something.

"What did you do this weekend?" We ask all of them. Aly is the only one that acknowledges us, so she answers.

"We went to zoo!" She gets a hat with an animal on to show us "I see animals!" It's so cute how excited she gets over things like this.

Brad picks her up setting her on his lap "What animals did you see?"

"Monkeys, lions, elephants," which she of course can't say and messes up completely.

"Catie, did you have fun?" I ask. She's been quiet since they got home. Since she's almost 6 now she's not as into the things Aly and Josh like, so she often feels left out.

"Yeah," she hands me a new toy she got "I went with grandma to see a movie."

I look closely at the toy she's showing me and realize that it's from a movie that she's wanted to see for a while now "Did you like it?" I ask. She nods. We're glad they all had fun. Brad puts on the shows Aly and Josh like to watch while Catie helps me make everyone lunch. She's such a big help when she wants to be.

"Can you put these at our spots on the table?" I hand her a pile of paper plates and Josh's bowl. She takes it from me and does what I ask so I can finish cooking. When she's done with that I hand her the utensils we'll need, and she does the same. She then wants to help me with the cooking part.

"Honey, it's hot soup I don't want you to burn yourself." I warn her as I hand her a bowl "Try not to spill it." She carefully walks it over to the table and places it in the middle, then brings her chair over to help me make the sandwiches.

"What can I do?" She asks. She really wants to help. I hand her the bread and cheese and tell her to put a piece of cheese on each sandwich.

"Mommy!" Ally yells running out to the kitchen "I help?"

"You can help me flip them." I pick her up and let her help hold the spatula. She gets really excited about this. We finish the sandwiches and I get the kids in their seats while Brad gets drinks and brings the rest of the food over. I sit down next to Brad with Josh in his high chair next to me, and the girls across from us. We give them each their food, then get our own and start to eat as we talk about the weekend.

"I feed the monkeys!" Aly starts the conversation. She's so proud of herself.

"I think you're a monkey." I tease her, and she fights back.

"No, I not! Daddy is." This makes us all laugh.

"Did you go with to the zoo, Catie?" Brad asks. She nods and excitedly explains her day there.

"I got to help feed the animals, then I even got to pet some of them!" She loves anything to do with almost any animal "The best part was when we got to see the seals!"

"Well," Brad looks at all of them "I'm glad you all had fun. We'll have to take you back sometime." This makes them all very excited.

The girls continue talking as we eat, and I help Josh. He's making more of a mess trying to eat his food than he is actually eating. I take him out and set him on my lap to help him eat, and he decides he wants to eat what Brad and I have even though it's the same thing. We give him pieces of our sandwiches, and by the time he's done we have hardly any food.

"You're a little pig." Brad jokes ticking Josh. He's laughing hysterically and loves the attention.

We decide to take them for ice cream as a treat, and walk to our favorite place. The girls are holding hands walking in front of us, and Brad is carrying Josh who desperately wants to run ahead of us.

"I love you," Brad looks over and kisses me "And our family, too."

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