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Today we finally find out the sex of the baby. Brad, Catie, and I are all in the doctors room waiting.

"Sweetie, can you please sit in your seat?" Brad asks Catie

"I sit with mommy." Catie tries to get on the exam table with me.

I move her to Brad's lap "You can sit with me when the doctor is done."

The doctor walks in and puts the gel on my stomach and gets the wand out for the ultrasound "How has your morning sickness been?"

"It's gotten a lot better. I still have it sometimes, but it's not bad."

"I'm glad it's gotten better." She moves the wand around on my stomach "Would you like to know the sex?"

I look over at Brad and he nods "Yeah."

She looks at the screen "It's a girl! Congratulations!"

"Oh my God." I sit up and fix my shirt "Thanks."

"Welcome." She walks to the door "Have a great day!"

Brad sits Cat on the exam table next to me and kisses me "I'm so happy!"

"Me too!" I look over at Cat "You're going to have a little sister!"

Catie looks over at me "Girl baby?"

Brad picks Catie up and I get off the table "Yeah, the baby in mommy's belly is a girl."

On the way home we call our parents and tell them, then I get ready to go on Ellen.

(Just pretend that Brad and Jen announced she's pregnant already.)

I hear the music come on and Ellen announce my name as I walk out onto the stage. We hug and dance a little then sit and wait for the audience to get quiet.

(Ellen will be in italics.)

How are you?  I'm excited to have you here!

"Well thanks! I'm pretty good, how are you?"

Great. Congratulations to you Brad, and Caitlyn on the new baby!

"Thanks, we're very excited."

Your daughter looks so much like you so we though it would be fun to put you and Brad together to see what another boy, or girl would look like

"Oh, God, this could be interesting."

Ellen puts the pictures up on the screen

Well, those are kinda scary looking. I'm sure the baby will look a lot cuter.

"I hope so" I start laughing "I really, really hope so."

Are you guys going to find out the sex?

"We actually just did. Brad and Catie are in the dressing room."

Really? Do you think they'd come out after the break?

"Probably, they'll like that."


Brad and Catie come on stage and the break ends.

Catie, are you excited to be a big sister?

Catie looks at me and stays quiet "Sweetie, it's just Ellen, you can answer her."

"Yeah, I excited."

You're so cute!

"Thank you"

You offered to come on while not even promoting anything, just out of generosity, so I decided to give you guys something for the new baby.

"That's awesome. Thanks, Ellen." ~Brad

Ellen pulls put two onsies blue, and pink each saying Ellen on them.

Pick the one you're going to use.

Brad whispers to Catie "Go get the pink one."

Catie walks over to Ellen and point to the pink one "That, please."

It's another girl? Congratulations!

"Thanks, Ellen!"

"Catie do you want to go on a walk with us?" I walk into the living room.

She walks up to me signaling for me to pick her up "Yeah"

I pick her up "Ok, let's go to the bathroom and get dressed first."

I put on a pair of shorts and a lose top then put jean shorts on Catie and a pink shirt and go to do her hair.

"Mommy, I do your hair?" Catie asks me

I keep brushing her hair "If daddy isn't ready when I'm done with yours then you can."

"Hurry up!"

"I will." I laugh and quickly put her hair up "I'm done."

Catie gets up "My turn."

I move forward so she can stand behind me "You have to brush it."

Catie takes the brush and 'brushes' my hair pulling half my hair out as she does it "Done!!"

"Thank you, sweetie, let's go see if daddy's ready." I stand up and take her hand.

Catie runs in our open door "Daddy ready?"

Brad gets his phone and walks out "Yep, let's go."

Once we're outside we put Catie in her stroller and Brad pushes it while I walk beside.

"Where do you want to go?" Brad asks

"I don't know. Maybe for ice cream?" I lock my hand with his.

"Sounds good. Nice hair by the way." He looks at me laughing

I run my free hand through it "Your daughter really wanted to do it. How bad is it?"

"Looks like she did it but it's not too bad." He smiles "You look beautiful, like normal."

"Awe, thanks, babe."

Brad points ahead "Do you want to go to that one?"

"Yeah, I like it there." we walk up to the line and I get Catie out of the stroller "What kind do you want?"


Brad laughs "Ok, but vanilla, or chocolate ice cream?"

Catie thinks for a little "Vanilla"

"Ok let's get it." I order our ice cream, and we sit at a table and eat it.

"They're going crazy!" Brad points to the paparazzi standing around taking pictures.

I look over at them then look back "How are we going to get out of here with her stroller?"

"I don't know." Brad thinks for a little "We brought the small one so I'll just fold it up and carry it and you carry her."

"Are you sure that will work?" I throw away our ice cream

Brad starts folding up the stroller "Yeah, come on."

I pick Catie up and walk through the paparazzi following Brad and she starts freaking out "It's okay, they'll be gone soon."

"They bad" she says between cries

"I know they are."

We get away from them and Brad takes Cat from me.

"Do you want me to get the stroller?"

Brad tries to calm Catie down a little "No. You carried her through all of them I can handle this now."

"Okay, thanks."

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