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Brad's POV:

"No!" Kaid slams his fork down and shoves the plate away from him, refusing to eat.  He immediately starts to scream as well, wanting attention.

"Kaiden!  Stop." I finally give in, going over to him "What is wrong?  You wanted spaghetti, you need to eat it."

"No!"  He yells again, this time picking up the fork, looking like he is ready to throw it "Wrong fork!"

"You want a different fork?  You can't eat because I have you the wrong one?"

He nods his head between sobs.

"You are so lucky your mother isn't here."  I walk over to where all his crap is and pick out a different fork for him "Is this one okay?"

"Yeah." He smiles, happily taking it out of my hands.  I sit next to him as he eats, not wanting anymore disasters. 

"Here, daddy." He hands me his leftovers "You eat."

I quickly wash him off and set him on the ground to play while I eat all of what wasn't good enough for him.  He picked the noodles as far away from the meatballs to eat, currently refusing to eat meat and anything that touches it.

He runs around the kitchen and living room, making his toy cars "fly" by keeping one in each hand with his arms spread out like airplane wings.  All his other toys have been dumped out and scattered around the rooms just waiting for me to step on. 

"Can I play your phone?"  He asks after a while when I doing the dishes "Please?"

"Yeah, but only your dinosaur game.  Not the truck one." I quickly hand him the phone and walk over to the table looking outside "Kaid I'm gonna clean up the mess out there, okay?  Stay right here where I can see you."

"Okay, daddy."  He plops himself on the floor with the phone, hardly even paying attention to me.

I start picking up all the crap laying around.  Catie and Ally had a pool party Saturday and supposedly picked everything up.  They didn't seem to have an answer for why all kinds of cups and plates are still laying scattered throughout the yard. 

The dogs eventually start to bark inside the house and I see that Kaiden has absolutely no interest in opening the dog door for them, so I walk over.  I get to the normal door and try to open it but it won't budge.  It won't even turn.

It's locked.

I look inside again and Kaiden still seems completely uninterested in me, and he can't reach the handles anyway, so I try to think of my options. 

His bedroom window is open, but that means climbing up the side of the house and setting off the alarm in a spot that Jen wouldn't be able to see me on the camera, which would most likely result in cops.

My only option is to call Jen, but Kaid has my phone and shows no signs of giving it up. 

I go back to the door, fiercely pulling on the handle.  It'll set off the alarm, but there's a camera right here so she can see that it's me.

Jen's POV:

"That's weird.  Our alarm is going off again." I look up from my phone, talking to my assistant "That's twice in 5 minutes."

"Where's Brad?  Is he home with Kaid?"

"Yeah, that's why I just turned it off the first time."  I open the security camera app, and look at the camera to see Brad pulling on the back door "Oh my God.  He is such an idiot."

I show my assistant the video and we both start laughing until I notice that Kaiden is not with him.

"Shit.  That's not good." She says, looking at the video "Maybe you should call.  He might just be playing somewhere."

I call Brad, only to be greeted by a slightly annoyed child.

"Mommy, I play my game." He complains when I call for the third time.

"Sorry, buddy.  Where's daddy?  Are you with him?"

"He outside." I hear him get up, running towards the door "He waving at me."

"Are you in the kitchen?  Can you open the dog door?"

"Mommy, my game!" He tries to ignore me, not caring about anything I have to say "I wanna play!"

"I know you do, but your dad is stuck outside so I need your help..."

I notice the phone go silent and realize that he hung up on me.  Such a little brat.

"I'm gonna have to go home and let him in.  Kaid can't be in there alone, he'll burn the damn house down."

I quickly grab my keys and run out the door.  The office is only about 5 minutes from our house, so luckily Brad isn't waiting too much longer when I finally get there.

"Oh thank God."  He runs up to me, grabbing the keys "I came out to clean their mess and just never thought to check if the door was unlocked.  Any other time they leave it wide open."

"I'm just glad I finally looked at the video.  The first time I just ignored it and set the alarm off thinking he did it." I wait for him to open the door, watching as he unlocks it once we get inside "I called him until he finally answered, and then he hung up on me."

I pick up Kaid once he casually walks over to me, not even looking up from the phone in his hands.

"Look at my score, mommy.  I win!" He yells, showing Brad and I.

"Good job!" Brad takes the phone from him "But I think you've had this enough today.  Go play with your toys again."

"You okay here?"  I ask, getting ready to go back "I won't get anymore security alerts?"

"I don't know, you might get some later when I lock the girls out for leaving this mess."  He walks me out to my car "Thank you."

"You're welcome."  I lean in to kiss him "You couldn't live without me."

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