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"Cate, play with this." I hand here some change while she sits on our bed and I get back to my conversation.

I walk to the other side of the room and don't notice that she got off of the bed, but she must've gotten into the bathroom because she has my lotion setting next to her. When I walk over close to her I notice she has lotion in, and around her mouth and I don't see the change anywhere.

"Catie! What are you doing? You can't eat that!" I yell at her out of fright causing her to start crying.

I pick her up and walk to the door "Brad, come up here! Now!"

Brad practically runs up the stairs into our room "What's wrong?" he takes Catie seeing the mess and that I'm freaking out.

I start counting the change again to see if I made a mistake before "I think she swallowed a penny! I was talking to my mom so I gave her some change to play with, then she got my lotion without me noticing and ate some of that and I think swallowed a penny!"

Brad puts Catie on the bed and try to calm me down "Jen, calm down! First, how much was there in change? Second, all you can do about the lotion is give her lots of water."

I go to the bathroom and fill her cup with water then make her drink it "There was like 75 cents. 2 quarters, 2 dimes, and 5 pennies, but every time I count I only get 4 pennies."

Brad gets the change from the bed and counts it quickly "I only got 4 too." He looks over at Catie who is very confused as to what's going on "Sweetie, did you swallow anything shiny?"

Catie shakes her head no and keeps drinking her water.

"What do we do, Brad?" I pick Catie up after she tries to get the lotion again.

"Well we figure out if she really swallowed it and if she did we call the doctor." Brad starts looking around for the penny.

"What if she really did?!" I sit down on the bed "What if she thought I was giving her candy or something?"

Brad walks over standing in front of me "Jen, if she did then we call the doctor, go to the ER and they'll probably just tell us to give her a lot yo drink as long as it isn't stuck. The lotion will probably help it slide down her throat.

"Okay." I stand up and calm down "Let's look for it."

Brad stares at our bed where the change was and points to something in one of the wrinkles "Is that a penny?"

I look at it closer and pick it up "Yes! Oh my God! She didn't swallow it."

"Now, calm down. Everything's ok." Brad walks over and hugs Catie and me then looks at Catie "Don't scare us like that again."

We go downstairs and I get Catie play in the living room where I can see her while Brad and I talk in the kitchen.

"So," Brad walks over next to me "What were you talking to your mom about?"

"She's coming to visit in 2 weeks!" I say excitedly "She misses all of us."

"Awe, Catie's going to love that! Is she staying here?"Brad goes into the living room to see Catie better.

I follow him "Yeah, but she doesn't want us to tell her. She wants it to be a surprise."

"Then a surprise it is." Brad smiles

I lay on the couch "She's going to love it. I can't wait to see how happy she is."

Brad sits down and puts my head on his lap "I guess we should probably finish painting Alexandra's room."

"We should, but my feet hurt so I think you should rub them first." I look up at Brad smiling.

Brad walks over to my feet "How much longer of this?"

I laugh "Around 4 months."

Catie walks over to Brad "I help."

"Here," Brad moves my foot towards her "rub your fingers over her foot."

Catie rubs my foot for another minute then says it's gross and goes back to playing.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go work on the room a while. Just come up whenever you're ready." Brad gets up and walks towards the stairs "Catie do you want to help."

Catie runs over to him "Help what?"

"Paint your sisters room." Brad picks her up waiting for an answer.

I get up and walk towards them before she can answer "No. She's going to get paint all over the place."

Catie looks at me then at Brad "I help."

Brad puts Catie down "Mommy said no."

"I say yes." She puts her hand up for Brad to pick her up

I look over at them "Whatever, but you're cleaning her, and the mess."

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