Family? Us time?

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"Hey, Jen!" My brother, AJ, walks through the door "Can I borrow your kid for the day?"

"Uh sure," I look over at him confused "Which one?"

"The cutest one." He picks up Kaid from where he is standing next to me "This one. He doesn't say dumb things about me in front of possible girlfriends."

"Okay, just please bring him back alive, and preferably in one piece." I hug Kaid goodbye, and wave to him as AJ carries him outside to leave. He giggles at something AJ says, and I close the door knowing that he'll be okay.

I sit down on the couch and catch up on a TV show on Netflix knowing this is my only chance. However, that is soon interrupted.

"Mom!" Catie and Ally run down the steps. I brace myself for a fight, but instead am surprised.

"Can we sleep over at Coco's house?" Ally asks sweetly "Courteney said she can pick us up."

"Please, mom?"

"Fine." I sigh realizing this leaves me in the house alone since Josh is at a friend's house, and Brad is filming "I can take you though, I'm gonna go visit your dad."

They grab all their stuff together and I wait for them in the car, very impatiently. For girls who want to go to their friends house they sure are taking their time. Once they finally get to the car, I drive to Court's house where they jump out without even saying bye to me, and run right in the house.

"Hey, you sure you want both of them?" I ask Court as I stand at the door.

She laughs "Well I think I am, I'll let you know in a few hours."

"Okay, well I'll have my phone." I start to walk away "I'm going to visit Brad, but if you need anything just call." I get back in my car and drive to the movie set.

I get out of my car in the parking lot and debate on going right to his trailer or trying to surprise him while he's filming. I make up my mind when I notice him walking out of his trailer. He doesn't seem to notice me, and I can see that he's just getting some snacks, so I walk over towards him.

"You should get me a cupcake," I walk up behind him surprising him "The vanilla looks really good." I wait for him to turn towards me "Surprised?"

"Very," he pulls me to the side and kisses me "You haven't done this in forever."

I kiss him back, and he moves along in line so he's not holding anyone up, then we make our way back to the trailer.

"We're kidless the rest of the day," I pull him onto the couch "I thought we could spend some time together." I kiss him passionately and let him take the lead.

He pins me down on the couch under him "I like your thinking," then leans over me propping himself up. I open my mouth to deepen the kiss letting our tongues intertwine together forming strong suction. He separates for just a few seconds to take my top off.

I flip us over so I can start unbuttoning his shirt, then slide my hands town his toned chest. Everything is perfect. He moans as I kiss his neck making my way back to his mouth while I finish by taking his pants and boxers off. I notice his huge bulge and let him flip us back over so he can take control.

"You're so amazing," he sighs as he kisses me down my chest leading towards my pants. He takes them off in one swift motion. His tender touch makes me mirror his need. I moan to egg him on as he starts taking my panties off practically begging for him to enter me. I need him right now.

I moan even louder with each thrust causing him to go deeper and faster. He kisses me with more passion with each thrust causing me to go weak under him. I can hardly handle all the pleasure. I never want it to end.

"I love you," he pants as he falls beside me wrapping his arms around my sweaty body.

"You're amazing," I manage to say as I catch my breath "We needed that."

"We really did." He kisses me "It was worth the wait, though."

"It really was," I smile and wrap his arms around me tighter "How much more time do you have?"

He looks at the clock and smirks "About 20 minutes... enough to go again," I laugh and let him take over again.

After we're finished this time, he has to go back to filming, so I freshen up and walk out onto set to watch him. It all reminds me of us when we were just married with nothing to worry about.

"You're amazing! I can't wait to see this once it's all done." I walk up to Brad and his costar once they have a break "It's gonna be a great movie!"

"Thanks, Jennifer!" She hugs me.

"You're welcome!" I genuinely smile "You two make a great movie couple." Brad laughs at this.

"Well I'm glad you think that."

"Just as long as it stays a movie couple." I joke.

They go back to finishing, and I sit in the grass so that I can see them. I don't listen to what they're saying, but just from watching them I can tell that they're having fun.

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